January 22, 2021

#growthmindset #challengeisopportunity

Coach Spruhan

Coach Spruhan took a risk and used breakout rooms and Google Slides to facilitate a rigorous analysis of primary and secondary sources in APUSH. He immediately learned from the challenges he faced in 7th period and implemented successful changes for his next class. As a result, 99% of students in 8th period voluntarily turned on their cameras and microphones to work with their peers!!!

#maverick #scaffolding #relevantsources

Ms. Haynes

Ms. Haynes took a risk and used breakout rooms and Google slides to introduce the rigorous process of primary and secondary source analysis. She modeled each step for her students using current sources that were accessible to them. Her students successfully finished the HIPPO process due to her intentional scaffolding and clear expectations!!!

#trailblazer #learningfromstudents

Ms. Angwenyi

Ms. Angwenyi took a risk and tried breakout rooms after modeling the annotation process for her students. When she faced a challenge with breakout rooms, she let her students guide her and learned from the process. Her students collaboratively annotated a rigorous argument about masculinity and mental health in preparation for an evidence based response!!!