Skill Corner

How to Calculate Your GPA

What is GPA? 

The average of the grades in all your classes, converted to a 4 point scale. 

Why is GPA important? 

Colleges, scholarships and organizations use it as a snapshot of how you're doing in school.

What is a "good" GPA? 

3.0 or higher (Bs or Better)

How do I calculate my GPA? 

Use this easy chart to find the point value of each of your classes, then average them.

What is On Track?

On Track means you are on a path to graduate high school within 4 years. Freshman year is critical to setting yourself up for success.  

Maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA (Bs or Better) and pass all your classes to guarantee you graduate in 4 years (or less!). 

Students who are On Track develop habits that make them more likely to attend college and graduate from college. That means your LIFE is On Track for more opportunities and greater earnings!

Learn more about On Track and the Freshman Success Initiative in FWISD here!

Freshman Year Checklist

What should you do NOW to prepare for LATER? Click here to find out!