• Why is my grammar so bad no matter how hard I memorise the grammar rules?

  • Why do I have such a hard time spelling words correctly?

  • What can I do to speak English fluently like my friends in the debate team?

This list of questions about learning English goes on and on...

BUT FEAR NOT! You are not alone and there is always help around the corner.

If you have questions about speaking / listening / writing / reading, please post them on Google Jamboard using the links below!

If you have tips to share with others, please also use these links to do so. However small your idea seems to be, it could mean a lot to someone else!





Jamboard rules

  1. Be respectful at all times.

  2. All questions and answers must be related to English learning.

  3. All texts on the Jamboard must be in English.

  4. Type your name / pseudonym next to your question / answer.

  5. Address the person you want to respond to using the name / pseudonym they provide.

  6. There are no questions too stupid, and no answers too absurd. There are only minds too narrow to be accepting, and eyes too shortsighted to appreciate.