
Check out these useful resources recommended by your English teachers! If you encounter any issues when using these resources, please seek help from them.

A great repository of speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary exercises, with themes tailored for students and different levels of difficulty.

Another learning site provided by the British Council, with the same range of English exercises and themes suitable for senior students.

This free and powerful online tool helps you to practise your writing and get valuable feedback instantly. Just choose a task, write or upload a written response and use the feedback to quickly improve.

You want to learn vocabulary but you have little time to read. You want to practise speaking but are shy to do so in class. You don't know if you're pronouncing English words correctly. Then English Central is THE place for you. (Registration required)

If you're looking for authentic listening materials, then join DJ Alyson Hau at RTHK Radio 3. Don't miss out on interviews with celebrities such as Hailee Steinfeld, Yungblud, The Vamps...and many more!

A rich mine of English-learning resources provided by the reputable BBC. The service started operating in 1943, and has developed into an abundant collection of multi-media learning materials.

This is for the bold and adventurous--do you want to enrich and test your vocabulary knowledge? Take Collins' Quick Word Challenge.

English is a vibrant language--many new words are coined almost every day. What's 'divorce tourism'? What's a 'microwedding'? Who's the 'goldfish generation'? What are 'super peas'? Subscribe to Cambridge's blog and find out.

Write the World is dedicated to improving the writing of students through a global online community and guided interactive process. Refine your editing skills, and publish on an international platform. Join their monthly competitions--your dream of becoming a writer isn't far-fetched!

A fun radio show and podcast about language examined through family, history, and culture.

A great website that provides a lot of resources to test your spelling and listening. You'll get to hear news from all over the world as well!

This website contains hundreds of dictation exercises to help English learners practice easily and improve quickly.