Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School

Academic Affairs

S4-6 Subject Selection

The optimising measures for the four senior secondary core subjects of Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Citizenship & Social Development in lieu of Liberal Studies, are implemented at Secondary 4 starting from the 2021-22 school year onwards. 

In light of such changes, the class structure and elective combination for S4 has been revised to offer more suitable elective combinations for our students. 

The new class structure and elective combination are carefully designed with the rationale that the elective combination should have strong synergy effects that facilitate students' learning of different elective subjects. In addition, in each S4 class, students share at least one to two common elective subjects, which helps cultivate a stronger learning atmosphere and nurture a learning community among students.    

The quota of each elective is 28-30 students (less than 20 students for Visual Arts as the exception).

For M1 and M2, they are available for 4C, 4D and 4E only and the quota is also 28-30 students per class. Only students who are ranked between 1st and 70th in S3 Maths (Annual Performance) are eligible.   

Allocation of class and elective combination will be based on students' academic performance (overall average marks in S3) and their preferences. 

The class structure and elective combination may be subject to changes based on the data obtained from Mock Subject Selection to be conducted after the Half-yearly Examination. 

For enquiries, please feel free to contact AP Mr. Lui.  

Academic Programme/ Career Preference Inventory 

Other Useful Links

Introductory videos of electives offered