Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School

Academic Affairs

Sharing from students

Sharing on Study Skills for S4 students

S6B Tam Ming Pan (Andy)

Set goals, stay disciplined


Andy has attained six 5** (including M2) and two 5* in DSE 2021. Having obtained competitive results, Andy has received offers to study Medicine in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Hong Kong.

Andy revealed that learning under the pandemic was a challenge for him. Due to a long period of school suspension, his learning progress lagged behind originally. Nevertheless, Andy watched educational videos online and sought help from teachers to consolidate concepts.

Andy emphasised the importance of self-discipline and determination when preparing for the DSE exams. During his study leave, he set a goal of studying for 10 hours every day whilst ensuring a regular daily routine. ‘Sleep early and wake up early. Also, drink plenty of water.’ He also reminded Hoi Ping students to do their best and believe in themselves.

S6B Mok Hoi Cheung (David)

Enthusiasm is the fuel of life


David scored four 5** and three 5* in DSE exams, while his stellar performance is attributed to his consuming passion for science. He always reads about science in his spare time and takes the initiative to learn more about genes and viruses. David brings this passion into his daily life and learning by taking notes and doing plenty of supplementary exercises. To release his stress, he also delves into areas such as artificial intelligence and natural science.

When preparing for the DSE exams, David established a healthy daily routine. He would wake up early to study and arrange sufficient breaks in between, in order to strike a balance between health and studies. David would often discuss difficult questions with teachers and classmates and work on past papers to deepen his understanding. David also made good use of the learning resources provided by the school. He explained that they are neat and comprehensive, making it more convenient for him to revise and thus raising learning efficiency.

David mentioned that he planned to pursue a healthcare-related degree. Talking from his experience, David encouraged Hoi Ping students to read more books to build a good foundation in humanities and do more past papers so as to excel in science subjects.

S6B Fan XinWei (Samuel)

DSE is a marathon, not a sprint


Capturing straight 5** in all the sub-papers of Chinese Language, Samuel highlighted the importance of integrating what you learn in daily life into the exam. He is a fan of period dramas. His daily exposure to historical figures in dramas enables him to make his argumentative essays more persuasive during exams.

To prepare for the DSE exams, Samuel completed a lot of past papers and exercises, and even worked on the more taxing A-Level questions, which led to a more thorough understanding of concepts. This played an essential role in his excellent 5** result in Economics.

Facing the tough DSE exams, Samuel emphasised the importance of rest and suggested that the best way is to work when we are physically and emotionally ready, maximizing learning efficiency. Besides, to relieve stress, he would chat with his friends as peer support certainly helped him get through the challenge.

‘DSE is a marathon but not a sprint. Preparation should start in Form 4 but not in the study leave.’ Samuel added. Lastly, he would like to express his sincere gratitude to Mr Chan, his English teacher, for his inspiration and encouragement.

S6C Chiu Wai Yan (Kitty)

Practice makes perfect


Kitty had a stellar performance in the DSE exams, attaining 5** in Chinese Language and four 5* in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, and Economics. Kitty believes that her key to success is self-discipline, especially in the time of the pandemic. During her study leave, Kitty would look for by-year past papers to help her identify her weaknesses and formulate a more effective revision plan. In addition, she would invest her time in by-topic past papers, which helped her further consolidate her knowledge, giving her confidence when she was facing topics that she was more unsure of.

Furthermore, being a self-reliant student, Kitty did not depend on tutorial classes. Instead, she would recommend having a study partner. She explained that discussions among peers allowed her to learn from other people and improve herself.

The DSE exams could be really stressful for students. To tackle the challenge, Kitty encouraged her juniors to grant themselves sufficient time for rest and not to be too harsh on themselves. Besides, she advised DSE takers to arrive at the examination venues earlier to get themselves mentally ready.


Interviews conducted by: 4B Cheung Hei Ching, 4B Sheng Yuxuan, 5B Tam Christiana, and 5B Wong Chiu Ming.