Check out this 1-minute YouTube video for a brief overview of the TRG! 

Transition Resource Guide

Seeking accommodations in university? This website lists all of the disability services in Ontario Colleges and Universities.  

Test your knowledge below.

True or False? 

Students with a permanent disability have to take a full-course load (60% or more) in order to be eligible for OSAP.

False. Students with a permanent disability are only required to take a 40% course load in order to be eligible for OSAP.

True or False? 

Educational institutions have a legal obligation to provide reasonable accommodations that promote equity and special services for students with disabilities. 


True or False? 

"Disability Services" and "Accessibility Services" are not the same thing and should not be treated as such. 

False. They are the same service. 

True or False? 

Here are some accommodations that students with disabilities can receive in post-secondary.


True or False?

Your IEP (Individualized Education Plan) from high school is the only thing that you require to receive accommodations in post-secondary.


Depending on your disability, specific paperwork is required from your post-secondary institution. Make sure to use this website to look up the "documentation required" from your specific post-secondary institution. Some disabilities or mental health concerns require a letter from psychiatrist, medical doctor, psychologist, audiologist, or healthcare professional. Other disabilities request a copy of a student's IEP and/or psycho-educational assessment. Make sure to get a copy of your IEP and psycho-educational assessment before you graduate from high school.

True or False?

If you have a permanent disability, you could be eligible for extra grants and bursaries in addition to receiving OSAP.



True or False? 

Your post-secondary institution will contact you after you graduate high school to see if you want to receive accommodations in post-secondary. 

False. It is your responsibility to contact disability services directly at the post-secondary institution that you will be attending. This is not automatic. It's a choice if you wish to use these services in post-secondary.

True or False?

There are sample letters on the Transitional Resources website to help assist you in disclosing your disability to your professor.  

True. There are many helpful resources to help you to advocate for your disability in post-secondary. It is your responsibility to tell your professor about your disability and accommodations.