Outdoor Play and Learning

Outdoor Play and Learning

All-Weather Play At Brookside

At Brookside we are striving to become an all-weather play school, it is therefore very important that your child is dressed for all weather (e.g. rain, snow, cold or heat etc.).  Please make sure you label all your child’s clothes, hats, mittens, and boots. We will not be going out in extreme weather, this decision is based on the TDSB Policy for inclement weather. Brookside Public School administration and staff strictly adhere to this policy for the safety and well-being of each child. 

During cold and wet weather children should be wearing the following things to be comfortable during our outdoor learning.

During spring and summer weather children should be wearing the following things to be comfortable during our outdoor learning times.

For further information about how the TDSB makes snow day/cold weather decisions and how TDSB supports schools during extreme heat, please 'click here'