In the News
We're happy to celebrate the successes of our students and teachers. In this section, you will find links to our student newsletter, and other special recognition of our students and staff.
Sounding Board Newsletter: The Sounding Board newsletter is produced twice a year by the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Team. Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing throughout the TDSB have the opportunity to write, edit and publish articles for the newsletter.
Newest Edition:
Winter 2024
Spring 2023
Winter 2023
Winter 2022
2022 National Inspirer for Cochlear Foundation's Achieve Anything
A great big SHOUTOUT to Dorian who was selected as a 2022 National Inspirer for Cochlear Foundation's Achieve Anything program in December. His selection was based on the incredible work at overcoming barriers and leading by example. His role as an Inspirer will be to help raise awareness of the importance of early access to hearing healthcare and support in Canada. #achieveanythingprogram
2018 Ken Spencer Award Honourable Mention: Wexford Deaf/Hard of Hearing Co-Enrollment Program
Congratulations to the Wexford Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) Co-enrollment Kindergarten Program, one of the 2018 EdCan Network Ken Spencer Award winners!
The Ken Spencer Award is a national award that puts the spotlight on ideas that can transform learning. The Wexford DHH Co-enrollment Program is the successful collaboration between the Special Education - Hearing Itinerant Department and Wexford Public School. The Co-enrollment Program is a unique, inclusive approach to the education of children, who are DHH, and their hearing peers in Junior and Senior Kindergarten.
2018 Vimy Pilgrimage Award Winner: One of our students had the opportunity to participate in this amazing experience!
The Vimy Foundation created the Vimy Pilgrimage Award to recognize the actions of young people who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to volunteer work through positive contributions, notable deeds, or bravery that benefits their peers, school, community, province, or country.