SHSM Registration

Course selections for next year are coming soon!  If you haven't yet begun your SHSM registration please follow the steps below.  Thank you!

Step 1

Step 3)

Step 2)

Steps to Register in shsm

Current GVSS Students:

For students in other schools interested in SHSM @ GVSS please follow the TDSB Out of Area Application Process here

Once you are a student at GVSS you can connect with your guidance counselor regarding SHSM enrollment.

SHSM Trackers (Course Selection Guide & Requirements)

Aviation & Aerospace

Arts & Culture

ICT Information Communication Technology


Aviation & Aerospace Tracker.pdf
Arts & Culture Tracker 2022.pdf
ICT Tracker 2022.pdf
SHSM Business 2022.pdf

SHSM program:  We have expanded the focus of the Arts & Culture SHSM to offer enriching opportunities to students across all of Vanier's Art disciplines.

Students and staff in Music, Drama, and Visual Art collaborate in various Arts experiences, led by industry experts, to gain insight into postsecondary and career opportunities, to learn and hone new skills, and to foster relationships and strengthen ties within the Vanier Arts community.

SHSM Program: The Aviation & Aerospace SHSM focuses on building theoretical and practical experience in the aviation field with courses ranging from aerospace engineering, light aircraft maintenance, and electronics to technological design. 

Recent graduates have pursued careers as Pilots, Aerospace Engineers, Air Traffic Controllers, Aviation Technicians, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Flight Engineers and in Air Safety and Instrumentation and Control. SHSM students enrolled in the Aviation & Aerospace SHSM complement their academic learning with a co-op work experience, earn a variety of aviation based certifications and participate in reach-ahead activities that complement the curriculum. 

SHSM ProgramInformation and Communication Technology is the sector that processes information using electronic systems. The ICT sector continues to transform our economy and everyday life. Core industries in this sector include: Communications systems (e.g., telecommunications, cable/broadband, broadcasting, and other program distribution systems); Computer systems (e.g., computer engineering, technical support, electronics, robotics, network engineering); Software and digital media (e.g., computer programming, computer and video games, simulations, computer animation, data management, web design, web portals, and Internet security).  

Students choose a bundle of Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses in their choice of technical areas: Computer Engineering, Computer Hardware, Programming and Networking. SHSM students enrolled in the ICT complement their academic learning with a co-op work experience, earn a variety of ICT based certifications and participate in reach-ahead activities that complement the curriculum. Many of our SHSM ICT students also earn their FIT (Focus on IT certificate). 

Click here to visit the Business Department Website for more information

SHSM Program: The SHSM–Business enables students to build a foundation of sector-focused knowledge and skills before graduating and entering apprenticeship training, college, university, or an entry-level position in the workplace. Where local circumstances allow, boards may elect to offer one or more variants of the SHSM in a given sector, each with a particular area of focus. This SHSM may be designed to have a particular focus – for example, on entrepreneurship, finance, accounting, retail, marketing, international business, economics, management and administration, or event planning. This focus is achieved through the selection of the four major credits in the bundle.