application Process

Application Requirements For SHSM (click here)

For all secondary student applicants whose home school is Georges Vanier SS
(currently in grade 9-10):

Collect the following documents from your guidance counsellor. They will be submitted in the application form linked below.

  • Credit Counselling Summary (submit on application)

  • Attendance report (submit on application)

For current elementary school students (grade 8):

Collect the following documents. They will be submitted in the application form linked below.

  • Your most recent report card (submit on application)

  • Attendance report (submit on application)

Additionally, if you are not a current Georges Vanier Secondary School student:

Note that students outside the school area will need to apply for entry to GVSS through the optional attendance process. Details about optional attendance can be found here

Apply for SHSM Specialized Programs Here

Application requirements for AP (click here)

If your current Home School is Georges Vanier s.s.

For secondary students at Georges Vanier Secondary School:

  • In grade 10, complete AP course selections on myBlueprint for grade 11

For elementary school students (grade 8) with Georges Vanier SS as your home school:

  • Complete an option sheet (on myBlueprint) for our regular program

  • In grade 10, complete AP course selections on myBlueprint for grade 11


If you are not a current Georges Vanier Secondary School student: