
welcome to aquatics

This course focuses on the development of a healthy lifestyle and participation in an aquatic environment through a variety of enjoyable physical activities that have the potential to engage students’ interest throughout their lives.  Students apply movement principles and sport/game strategies to refine skills, and actively participate in games and activities in an aquatic environment to enhance personal fitness and competence.  They are encouraged to develop leadership skills and are given opportunities to practise their communication, social, decision-making and interpersonal skills.  Students study the components of healthy relationships, reproductive health, mental health and personal safety.


We are now offering a BEGINNERS aquatics course geared towards students that have limited experience in the water and would like to learn how to swim.  

***Experienced swimmers please choose PAQ 3O1 or PAQ 4O1***

Activity Program:

Students will participate in a variety of aquatic activities to promote fitness, skill improvement, social and communication skills.  This will include swimming, fitness activities on deck and in the gym, aquatics and games.  Specialty workshops may be offered in self-defence, rock-climbing, canoeing and scuba as elective options with an additional fee for interested students.

Health Program:

Topics covered include nutrition, mental health, sexuality, substance use & abuse, personal safety, and injury prevention, conflict resolution, water safety topics and CPR.  Each student will research topics to be presented to the class.  Methods of evaluation will include assignments, tests, group work and presentations.