It's important to participate consistent physical activity throughout the week. I have provided some activities throughout the week for you to do. You may want to try ALL the activities. Caution: K-3 students, the Junior activities may be advanced for you. Check them out first, ask an adult if they're appropriate for you and maybe the adult will join in!

Keep scrolling down for EXTRA ACTIVITIES !

Disclaimer: Please take the necessary steps in completing these exercises safely by doing a proper warm-up and cool down and drink water before, during (if need be) and after any vigorous activity to prevent injury. If the activity becomes to difficult please stop immediately and have an adult help you. Be safe, make sure you have plenty of room and have fun!

PRIMARY K-3 - Skipping, dancing, legs and arms workout, Jedi workout, Yoga with animals. Keep scrolling down for more activities, hockey, skipping plus more below!

It's Jump Rope for Heart time! Want to learn how to jump rope? Here's one way.

Got 9 minutes? This work out will get your heart rate up!

Star Wars Jedi Workout! The FORCE is with you!

Hip Hop dance tutorial anyone?

Practice your throwing and catching!

Give part 2 a try!

Can you keep up! Of course you can. Challenge your family members!

Long rope games. You may know some of these. More below in Extra Activities!

40 minunte of Just Dance! You'll notice some classics and hits. Who knows, maybe your parents will join!

Why do you heart exercise? Maybe it's the same reason why the The Wonder Grove Kids love it!

How about some yoga, with animals!

Can you use the pictures to guess the vegetable?

Exercise by making letters with your legs!

Salamander YOGA!!!

Make letters with your body while doing yoga.

10 minute Family Fun Exercises

Time to JUST DANCE to Believer - Imagine Dragons

JUNIOR GR. 4-6 - Who likes bike riding? Volleyball anyone? Spiderman makes an appearance, ultimate frisbee, badminton etc...

Ever wondered what muscles you use when bike riding? Check it out.

For my badminton players! Great time to brush up now that the weather is better!

Can you keep up with Captain America?

How about some Ultimate Frisbee? Emily will teach you how to play!

Here are some throws you can learn now that you know how to play! Thanks once again Emily!

Speed drills for hockey lovers!

Everyday mindfulness!

20 different ways to skip! I love skipping, it's a great work out! Some may be difficult but you never know until you try!

Underhand throwing and rolling anyone? Good target practice!!!

Fun Volleyball challenges

16 more skipping rope moves n' tricks!

Volleyball skills you can try at home

Basketball shooting tips from your COUCH!

extra activities

Workout Avengers style!

Tabata workout! Tabata is a great app for your phone, ipad or laptop to time your workouts! Have fun!

From basketball to ball hockey to tennis! Some fun basic skills you can try on your own or with a friend. You may need some equipment!

30 minute cardio kickboxing workout!

To all the ballers: 5 drills you can do at home.

Four Corners Fitness??? Earn points in this fun fitness game

Got some chalk? PBS kids might have some ideas for you!

Gotta hula hoop? Try these 8 activities you may remember a few from PE class!

Coach Justin has some simple tips on the mechanics of hitting a baseball!

Coach Justin again with some infield drills for you!

Need some help throwing? Coach Jen takes a few minutes to review how to throw a softball (can be used for any type of ball).

Ever heard of double dutch? Watch these skippers perform but the host has a little brain game for you!

Double Dutch basics taught by a champion and friends!

What exactly is mindfulness? How does it affect our brain? These students along with some animation can help explain!

Mariam Gates can help you go to sleep with a read along and yoga!

No basketball hoop? No problem!

For my rollerbladers starting out! Check out this handy video

If you already no how to rollerblade, try these drills using cones. Be safe and make sure you are wearing a helmet and knee pads at all times!

Great for soccer players to work on this summer. All you need are cones!

Okay ballers, shooting tips to practice this summer.

Cosmic Yoga - Minecraft styles.

Hallowe'en fun anyone?

Would you rather?? Hallowe'en styles.

Pick one, kick one Fall/Thanksgiving edition

Ready for some dodging? Good luck!

This? or That? Fall edition

Kids Yoga with Dinosaurs!