gym/outdoor safety

Safety first!

Being safe in the gym or outdoors during HPE class is paramount at Wilkinson JPS. Please be sure to have 2 pairs of shoes, one indoors and one outdoors at school. My suggestion would be to keep your indoor shoes at school in class or in your backpack. Dirty shoes and keeping a clean gymnatorium do not go hand in hand. Keeping the gym floor clean is important. Your indoor shoes should be athletic shoes with rubber soles. No open toe shoes or boots should be worn for HPE class. Student's will be asked not to participate if they DO NOT have proper shoes for HPE class. This may also effect their mark as part of a student's mark is to be prepared for class.

We will be outside as much as we can this year even if it rains a little or snows. I also recommend you bring extra clothing (warm top, gloves, winter hat and extra socks). It is recommended that sunblock or sunscreen is applied before HPE class when sunny out, a cap and even sunglasses for extra protection. Please try to bring a water bottle to school as fountains are off limits unless you are filling up your water bottle at the filling station.

If there are any injuries,accidents, new medications being taken or any other important concerns that need to be shared please do so by e-mailing myself and letting the office and classroom teacher know.

Thanks! Mr. Kasaval.