MPC Math Department


The Math Department at Monarch Park offers a wide range of courses. Grade 9 and Grade 10 math are now destreamed/academic only, while Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses are available in University, College, and Workplace pathways. Our department also offers Standard Level Mathematics as part of our International Baccalaureate program.

Our Teachers:

Mr. Bodnar ( - Grade 11

Mr. Curic ( - Grades 11 & 12 (IB2)

Ms. Kaur ( - Grades 9 & 10

Ms. Lee ( - Grade 9

Mr. Markham - ACL ( - Grades9, 10 (pre-IB) & 11 (IB1)

Ms. Nanda ( - Grade 10

Mr. Nguyen ( - Grade 12

Ms. Smith ( - Grades 11 & 12

Ms. Tomlinson ( - Grade 10

Student Supports:

In addition to receiving extra help from your child's teacher, we are pleased to offer our students several opportunities to get the extra support they need to be successful in their math courses. If you have any questions about how to access these resources, please feel free to connect with your child's teacher.


Scheduled 1-on-1 tutoring with a senior math student. Tutoring times and frequency are tailored to each student's needs.

Homework Hangout (Mon–Thurs 3:15–4:30 pm)

After-school drop-in homework club for any student in any subject. The room is supervised by teachers and supported by peer tutors.

Free Online Tutoring

Students can access free online tutoring provided by the TDSB through Brainfuse or Paper (see below). Another option is TVO Mathify.

Grade 9 Focus:

The new de-streamed Grade 9 math curriculum has provided our teachers with opportunities to develop new teaching methods using new technology. Here are some highlights:

Building Thinking Classrooms

Our Grade 9 teachers, with the support of our Learning Coaches, are participating in an ongoing professional development and inquiry program to integrate highly effective, research-based teaching techniques that create "Thinking Classrooms" where students are actively engaged in their own learning. Students collaborate on specialized tasks while working at whiteboards, allowing groups of students to learn from each other with targeted guidance and questioning from the teacher/coach.

This approach to teaching is also a step in decolonializing the math classroom. Teachers are no longer at the centre of everything, and are no longer the "possessors" of math knowledge - rather, students are creating their own knowledge and understand by exploring mathematical ideas on their own.

Coding & Rovers

Our department has invested in a class set of "rovers" - vehicles that can move and draw geometric shapes based on commands programmed by students. Use of this technology makes the coding requirements of the Grade 9 course much more interactive and collaborative.