UNIT 2: Greek Myth

Mr. A. Wittmann, Earl Haig S.S.

Specific Expectations (2016 Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 and 12 Classical Studies & International Languages, p.94-107)

A1. Research: select and organize information about the classical world from a variety of oral, written, and visual primary and secondary sources;

A2. Interpretation and Evaluation: interpret and evaluate information to make inferences about the cultural customs and values of the classical world; 

A3. Communication: communicate knowledge and understanding of the classical world using a variety of media; 

A4. Intercultural and Other Connections: describe how learning about the classical world relates to and enhances their understanding of other cultures and fields of study, the contemporary world, and their own experience. 

B1.1 Types of Classical Myths: identify and describe different types of classical myths and their characteristics

B1.2 Myths and Their Context: describe the context and meaning of some ancient Greek and Roman myths in classical times

B2.1 Genres: identify various genres found in classical literature and describe their characteristics 

B3.1 Mythological and Literary Terminology: identify mythological and literary words, phrases, and terms in English derived from ancient Greek and Latin and use them correctly

B3.2 Writing Systems: describe the characteristics of various writing systems used in the classical world, including some key similarities and differences among them

B4.1 Investigating Connections: identify and describe parallels and/or relationships between classical myths or literary works and those of other cultures, including examples of classical influences on the cultural products of later societies

B4.2 Reflecting on Connections: explain how various themes from classical mythology and literature relate to and/or enhance their understanding of contemporary socio-political issues

D2.1 Characteristics of Classical Religions: identify classical religions, religious practices, and religious institutions, and demonstrate an understanding of their significance for their adherents 

Week 1: 




1. Nature of Myth.pdf

Lecture: Nature of Greek Myth 

2. Myths of Creation & Rise of Zeus.pdf

Lecture: Myths of Creation & the Rise of Zeus

3. Origins of Mortals.pdf

Lecture: Origins of Mortals

Video:  What Is Myth?




Myths of Thebes

Presentation 1: Cadmus & Amphion

Presentation 2: Zethus & Oedipus

Presentation 3: Seven against Thebes

Presentation 4: Antigone & the Epigoni

Myths of Iolchus and Calydon

Presentation 5:  Phrixus & Helle

Presentation 6: Pelias & Golden Fleece

Presentation 7: Aeson & Jason

Presentation 8: Voyage of the Argo & Meda

Presentation 9: Calydonian Boar Hunt

Presentation 10: Atalanta & Meleager

The Trojan War & the Anger of Achilles

Presentation 11: House of Atreus

Presentation 12: Marriage of Peleus, Judgement of Paris & Oath of Tyndareus

Presentation 13: Abduction of Helen, Gathering at Aulis & Iphigenia

Presentation 14: Anger of Achilles

Presentation 15: Deaths of Hector & Achilles

The Fall of Troy & the Return of Agamemnon

Presentation 16: Arms of Achilles

Presentation 17: Trojan Horse

Presentation 18: Destruction of Troy

Presentation 19: Death of Agamemnon

Presentation 20: Orestes' Revenge & Trial


Presentation 21: Cicones & Lotus Eaters

Presentation 22: Polyphemus & Aeolus

Presentation 23: Laestrygonians & Circe

Presentation 24: Sirens, Scylla & Charybdis

Presentation 25: Cattle of Helius & Calypso

Presentation 26: Return to Ithaca


Presentation 27: At Carthage & Sack of Troy

Presentation 28: Wanderings & Death of Dido

Presentation 29: Underworld & Arrival in Latium

Presentation 30: Visit to Pallanteum & Turnus' siege of the Trojan camp

Presentation 31: First battle, Battle with Camilla & Death of Turnus

Legends of Early Rome

Presentation 31: Romulus and Remus & Sabine Woman

Presentation 31: Titus, Tatius & Tarpeia

Presentation 32:  Horatii & Curiatii

Making Scheme:

A. Knowledge & understanding

Incomplete  0 Needs Improvement  5 Satisfactory  6 or 7 Good  8 or 9 Excellent  9.5 or 10

B. Communication

Incomplete  0 Needs Improvement  5 Satisfactory  6 or 7 Good  8 or 9 Excellent  9.5 or 10

C. Thinking & inquiry

Incomplete  0 Needs Improvement  5 Satisfactory  6 or 7 Good  8 or 9 Excellent  9.5 or 10

D. Application

Incomplete  0 Needs Improvement  5 Satisfactory  6 or 7 Good  8 or 9 Excellent  9.5 or 10

Greek Myth Sign-up Sheet

Week 2: 




4. Older Olympians.pdf

Lecture: Older Olympians

5. Younger Olympians.pdf

Lecture: Younger Olympians

6. Myths of Female Fertility.pdf

Lecture: Myths of Female Fertility

7. Myths of Male Fertility.pdf

Lecture: Myths of Male Fertility

8. Myths of Death.pdf

Lecture: Myths of Death

Video: The 12 Olympians

Video: Demeter 

Video: Oracles of Ancient Greece

Week 3: 



μηνιν ἄειδε θεά

Πηληιάδεω Ἀχιλλῆος πολλὰς

ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Αἵδι

προίαψεν ἑλώρια τεῦχε


8. Myths of Death.pdf

Lecture: Myths of Death

9. Myths of the Agrive Plain.pdf

Lecture: Myths of the Agrive Plain

10. Myths of Athens & Crete.pdf

Lecture: Myths of Athens & Crete

11. Classical Studies.pdf

Lecture: Classics at University

Greek Passage Homework.pdf

Homework: Greek Passage

Video: In search of the Trojan war Part 1-The Age of Heroes

Video: In search of the Trojan war Part 2 - The Legend Under Siege

Week 4: 



Video: In search of the Trojan war Part 3 - The Singer of Tales 

Video: In search of the Trojan war Part 4 - The Women of Troy

Week 5: 



Video: In search of the Trojan war Part 5 - Empire of the Hittites

Video: In search of the Trojan war Part 6 - Fall of Troy


1st Day: Part A. Complete chart of the Greek gods  from the Charts & Maps page (K/U)

Part B. Translate the following Greek words into English (A)...

Μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά, Πηληιάδεω Ἀχιλλῆος

οὐλομένην, ἥ μυρί' Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε' ἔθηκε,

πολλὰς δ' ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Αἵδι προίαψεν

ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν

οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, Διὸς δ' ἐτελείετο βουλή,

2nd Day: Part C.  Answer one of  the provided Unit 2 review questions in 200-400 words (C)...

Part D.  Answer one of the provided Unit 2 review questions in 200-400 words (T/I)...