Grade 12 - LVV4U1 - Course Syllabus

Mr. A. Wittmann - Earl Haig S.S.

Course Description:

In this course, students will explore the beliefs and achievements of the classical world, which have shaped Western thought and civilization. Students will investigate such aspects of classical culture as its mythology, art, literature, and philosophy, as well as elements of ancient Greek and Latin, through a variety of activities such as dramatizations, audio-visual presentations, and discussions. By reading classical authors in English and examining archaeological evidence, students will enhance both their communication skills and their ability to think critically and creatively

Instructor Information:

Mr. André Wittmann, B.A., M.A., B.Ed.

Earl Haig Secondary School, Social Science Office (room 328)

100 Princess Ave., North York, ON, M2N 3R7

Tel: (416) 395-3210 ext. 20075



Course Materials:

Course Structure & Expectations:

Assessment and Evaluation Information:

A. Formative Mark (70%)

Knowledge and Understanding = 17.5%

Communication = 17.5%

Application = 17.5%

Thinking and Inquiry = 17.5%

Assignment Submission (formative evaluation):

Policy for Missed Tests (formative evaluation):  

B. Course Summative Mark (30%) 

C. Assessed Tasks

D. Learning Skills 

E – Excellent    G – Good    S – Satisfactory    N – Needs Improvement

E. Evaluation Rich Tasks Tracking Chart

Q.R. Code

Evaluation Profile