Student Activity Council

L’Amoreaux’s Student Activity Council, also known as SAC, is a group of democratically elected students from grades 9-12 that serve the student population. Our purpose is to help share all your interests and concerns with both teachers and the administration, and your input helps us co-ordinate successful student activities such as Semi Formal, Spirit Week, spirit assemblies and our final end of the year event. As well, the SAC grants a yearly charter to clubs, and each is responsible and should try to keep a good attendance at our Club Council meetings to provide us and other peers their respective updates on their club initiatives.

We strive to promote student involvement, but we’re also here to hear you out! Feel free to approach us with any questions or concerns during the day, or through any of our social platforms if you feel more comfortable! Looking forward to the rest of the year #lamily.

If you have any concerns, suggestions, ideas, questions – ANYTHING, please, come talk to and message us! We are open, friendly and attentive individuals that will listen to what you have to say. Share your opinions because we care about you and the school. We are your voice, so that things can be changed and improved in L’Am, creating a more positive, uplifting, and supportive environment for all!

Meet the Council

Coming Soon