Registration Steps 

1. Book A Registration Appointment

Call 416-396-6745

Student Last Name A - L: Cindy Tsang

Student Last Name M - Z: Jennifer Chow

2. Attend Registration appointment 

3. Explore our site to learn more about L'Amoreaux Collegiate

4. Review our School Code of Conduct

5. View our School Map

Bring to Appointment

1. Print and Complete the following Forms

2. School Documents         

3. Identification Documents – Student and Parent/Guardian

4. Proof of Address

Two of the following are acceptable as proof of address:

5. Health Card (please bring in original card, not a photocopy)

6. Current Immunization records

7. Home and Cell Phone Numbers

8. Parents / Guardians’ Work Phone Numbers and E-Mail Addresses

9. Emergency Contact Information

Name and phone number of someone over the age of 18 other than a parent/guardian

Registration Information

If L’Amoreaux is your HOME SCHOOL** and you are in Grade 8 now, then you will apply to L’Amoreaux through your guidance department in your current school. 

If you have recently moved into our area and we are your HOME SCHOOL**, phone Student Services (416-396-8055) to make an appointment with one of our counsellors. Please bring with you the following items to your appointment: English 中文 - 汉字 中文 - 漢字 

If L'Amoreaux is not your home school, then you will need to complete an optional attendance form that has a signature from your last school. For more information, click here, and speak to your guidance counsellor. If you would like to attend L’Amoreaux Collegiate as an International student, please contact the International Student Services and Admissions Office at the Toronto District School Board (416-395-8109 or 416-395-9618) or visit

** To find your HOME SCHOOL, please click here. 

Families New to Canada 

CLICK HERE for more information

The Toronto District School Board has four Newcomer Reception Centres: West End Reception Centre, Thistletown Reception Centre, Georges Vanier Reception Centre, and Greenwood Reception Centre. All students eligible for secondary school (ages 14 - 20) will visit one of these four Reception Centres before registration at their local secondary school. During the full day that students spend at the Newcomer Reception Centre, they will have an assessment of their English language skills, as well as their mathematics skills. These assessments will help the local secondary school place the new student in the appropriate high school credit courses. 

Each Reception Centre has multilingual staff who can assist newcomer students and their families. Newcomer families will also have a chance to meet at the Reception Centre with a Settlement Worker, who can give them information on settlement topics such as finding housing, looking for employment, accessing health care in Ontario, and connecting with a variety of support agencies. 

All secondary students must make an appointment with the Reception Centre by telephone. Students and their families must bring appropriate documents to the appointment showing that the student is eligible to attend school without paying fees, as well as documentation showing their current Toronto address such as a telephone bill or electricity bill, or a driver's license. 

The closest Reception Centre for L'Amoreaux Collegiate is: 

Georges Vanier Reception Centre (416-397-9440) 

3000 Don Mills Road East (Don Mills Road East, south of Finch) 

International Students 


The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is proud to be one of the most diverse and multicultural school systems in the world. The benefits of an education in our schools go far beyond purely academic pursuits. During their school years in Toronto, international students will develop a deeper understanding of the diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious elements of our modern society. Travelling to a new country and getting a first rate education can be a very rewarding experience. International students gain new perspectives, new friends and a new understanding of life in today`s fast changing society. This stimulating experience awaits you in our schools. 

Our teachers and counsellors are particularly sensitive to the needs of international students. We know from experience that overseas students often need help adjusting to life in a new country. Our staff speak a variety of languages and they are always willing to offer friendly guidance on academic and personal issues. 

More information is available by calling 416-395-9618, emailing us at or by visiting our web page at