Black Canadian Family Supports
The Black Foundation of Community Networks (BFCN) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2011 and continues to serve and support local Black communities.
BFCN believes that access to education of all forms is important for the continued success and development of youth in our community. Our Scholarship Program is designed to address a few of the gaps and barriers in order to increase access to post-secondary education and support Black students and their families.
Click the links below for access to scholarships, info on applying and accessing supports
Black Youth and Family Services
Black Canadian health and community service providers that provide services to Black Canadian families in need of support.
The Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC)
is a new not-for-profit corporation set up under the laws of Ontario in 2017.
BLAC delivers legal aid services to low and no income Black Ontarians. We work to combat individual and systemic anti-Black racism
TAIBU Community Health Centre (CHC)
is a multidisciplinary, non-for-profit, community led organization established to serve the Black Community across the Greater Toronto Area as its priority population.
Tropicana Community Services
Tropicana's mission is to offer culturally aware and supportive programs to those in need, including but not limited to counselling, settlement services, childcare, education, personal development, and employment services, with a predominant focus on the Caribbean, Black and African communities of Toronto.
RITES Program @ Central Toronto Youth Services
The RITES program at Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS) is a culturally specific, identity development initiative that supports the empowerment of Black and African-Canadian youth between the ages of 13 and 18. RITES employs an integrated, full spectrum model of support and care so participants have access to range of coordinated mental health clinical and program supports and resources.
SAPACCY: Substance Use Program for African-Canadian-Caribbean Youth
SAPACCY provides services to African and Caribbean Canadian youth and their families who are dealing with problem substance use and mental health concerns. The SAPACCY team works from a cultural competence lens to help Black youth work through mental health and addiction concerns. Our programs offer mental health and addictions counselling and support in accessing resources to assist youth and their families/caregivers in reducing harm, moving toward recovery, and making the best choices for themselves and their family.
CAFCAN: Caribbean African Canadian Social Services
CAFCAN provides culturally appropriate social services that enrich the lives of the African, Caribbean and Diaspora (ACD) communities in the Greater Toronto Area.
Jamaican Canadian Association (JCA)
The Jamaican Canadian Association (JCA) is to deliver programs and services, provides a physical hub, and to advocate to improve the well‐being and equity of Jamaican, Caribbean & African‐Canadian communities within the Greater Toronto Area.
As Black communities continue to be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, we are also concerned about Black student achievement and the impacts of adjusted schooling schedules, remote learning and limited access to culturally appropriate and meaningful community-based supports.
Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, we will connect Black students to a FREE tutor. In this virtual drop-in, Black students in grades 7 - 12 will receive academic support with assignments and help navigating in-person or remote learning. This virtual drop-in will run until February 25, 2021. We're hopeful we may be able to secure resources beyond this date to extend tutorial supports.
Stolen From Africa is an official educational programming partner of the Toronto District School Board.
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