Early Societies and Rocks

Early Societies and Rocks

Explore some Traditional Games, Stories and Tools of our ancestors!

Rocks in Traditional Lifestyles

Explore some of the traditional uses of rocks by many different nations. Compare these uses to how we use rocks today. Also check out traditional rock games here.

Medicine Wheel

Rocks were organized on the ground in alignment with the sun and stars as a Calendar. Stonehenge is an English version of this.

Stone Tools

Check out the video above and play guess the stone tool here!

Guess the Tool

Boiling Water/Sap

Hot rocks were heated over a fire and used to boil sap, water, cook food, for a warm bed, and in sweat lodges.

Art and Direction

Rocks were used in art (soapstone decorations), candles (Qulliq) as well as for marking and direction by the Inuit.

Traditional Rock Stories

Stories from peoples around the world were drawn on rocks, or even featured rocks in their stories! The Anishinabe, as well as nations across Turtle Island told stories of rocks, and drew stories on rocks. Some are featured below.

Spirit Rock

One night long ago a young Menominee man was approached by Manabus. Manabus asked the young man if he would bring some friends and come and visit him. He told the man that he would give each of them something.

So the young men set off on a journey to visit Manabus. When the men arrived after their long journey Manabus fed them and let them rest. After the men were rested Manabus asked each man what he wished for.

Each of the men took a turn asking Manabus what he wished for. One asked to be a great warrior, another asked to be a great hunter, and another asked for a medicine bag to be able to cure the sick.

When the last man came with his request it was that he could live forever, to last as long as the earth.

Manabus granted the request by picking up the young man and telling him "You shall have your wish." As he placed him on the ground the other young men saw that he had been transformed into a rock, where he would remain for all time, just as he had requested.

Rock Painting Activity

Make a cave painting about a story of that you want to tell. It can be one of you and your pet, or a game you played. Use natural materials on paper (charcoal, green grass, raspberries), or you can use sidewalk chalk (a rock!) on pavement in your schoolyard (another rock!).

More on Cave Paintings:


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