Inclusive & Anti-Racism Resources

Orange Shirt Day and Truth and Reconciliation Week

During Truth and Reconciliation Week September 27 to October 1, take this opportunity to learn and reflect on the legacy of residential schools.

Check out some important resources, linked below:-Truth and Reconciliation website-TRC Website-TDSB Indigenous Education Resources-NFB Truth and Reconciliation week films and lessons -BPCI New Indigenous Books at your library look under recommended reading

The TDSB GSA Network hosts online meetings and is open to secondary students across the board.

Diversify Your Reading 

Try 1 (or 12), of these ways to diversify your reading this year.  Now more important than ever.

FOLD is the Festival of Literary Diversity.    Check their website, or talk to your TL for title suggestions.

Indigenous Resources Nov 20

Indigenous Resources at BPCI

A presentation shared with BPCI staff on November 20 featuring Indigenous reads and resources.

Children's Books .pdf

Children's Story Books

Click through this interactive PDF to explore timely and important children's books that deliver inclusive messages.  Simply click on titles to find incredible and inspiring stories that can spark discussions about anti-Black Racism. 

Orange Shirt Day

The annual Orange Shirt Day on September 30th opens the door to global conversation on all aspects of Residential Schools. It is an opportunity to create meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and the legacy they have left behind.  A discussion all Canadians can tune into and create bridges with each other for reconciliation.  A day for survivors to be reaffirmed that they matter, and so do those that have been affected.  Every Child Matters, even if they are an adult, from now on.

Powerful short film with a downloadable conversation guide 

Journal on the data behind “destreaming” in the GTA and how it relates to equity and anti-oppression: