Virtual Secondary School Students

Course Selection Process Continued

Step 3: Explore your courses and pathway.

* If you are a grade 12 student planning on returning to BCI next year feel free to join the grade 11 course selection presentation. Please note that all students interested in returning for a 5th year must get approval from a Vice Principal.

  • Graduating students will indicate their desired pathway with the following codes in the “Graduating Students” Discipline:

    • ZAPPRE - Apprenticeship

    • ZCOLLG - College

    • ZUNIVR - University

    • ZWORK - Work

  • Students planning for the future will find it helpful to:

    • Forwards Plan - think of what courses you want to take and where this can lead you

    • Backwards Plan - explore careers you are interested in, then reverse plan what university/college/apprenticeship pathway will get you to that career, and then reverse plan what high school courses you will need to get there.

    • A useful guide is here: Forward and Backwards Planning Guide

Step 4: Populate your High School Plan to be ready for course selection.

  • Discuss your plan and where it will take you with your parent(s)/guardian(s) or any mentor you would like to consult.

  • Be sure to include alternates that you would actually be willing to take.

Step 5: Attend the Department Showcases Tuesday, January 19th @ 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm

  • Each department will be available to speak to and answer questions related to their courses, the links to the recordings will be posted below:

  • Art (Music, Visual Art, Digital Art and Photography)

  • Art (Drama)

  • Business

  • Co-op & SHSM

  • English

  • French

  • Mathematics & Computer Science

  • Physical Education

  • Science

  • Social Science

Step 6: Submit your course selection.

  • Course Selection submission will open Monday, February 8th @ 8:00 am.

  • You must submit your course selection and complete the Online Parent/Guardian Approval by Monday, February 15th @ 5:00 pm.