Leadership Clubs and Councils

Athletic Bears Council (ABC)

Staff Advisor: Ms. Aziz

Our ABC is a student leadership club which is involved in a number of different activities and sports throughout the year. The ABC runs the annual Terry Fox Walk/Run/Roll, is responsible for all the scores and stats for our home games and organizes and hosts intramurals at lunch. We are full of school spirit and hope everyone gets involved and stays active. 

ABC meets on Mondays after school in A106.

Instagram: @bethuneabc 

New members can apply at the start of the school year. Executive positions are elected by members of the committee. 

Bethune Creative Arts Council (BCAC)

Staff Advisors: Ms. Rappos and Ms. Rzezniczek

A council to promote art and drama at Bethune 

Instagram: @bethunecreativearts

Bethune Environmental Action Team (BEAT)

Staff Advisor: Ms. Tutchener 

The Bethune Environmental Action Team (B.E.A.T.) is Bethune's eco-club. Our focus in on school-ground greening, waste reduction, green transportation, healthy communities, and energy conservation. 

BEAT meetings are held on Mondays after school in the Upper A-wing.

Some positions on BEAT require an application, while general membership is open to all students throughout the year. 

Instagram: @BethuneBeat

Bethune ESL Mentors (BEM)

Staff Advisors: Ms. Soni and Ms. Elanthirayan

The Bethune Mentor Program is designed to provide one-on-one language and social/emotional support for ELLs and at-risk students.  By the end of the program, this support will translate into both academic and social/emotional improvement.  Successful mentors do not necessarily have to be high achievers, but should have qualities that allow them to be good mentors for our students.

BEM Wednesdays at lunch in Rm. A113

New members are welcome to apply at the end of each school year for the upcoming school year. 

BEM Applications

Instagram: @bethune_eslmentors

Bethune Music Council (BMC)

Staff Advisors: Mrs. Kilbride and Mr. Ross

The Bethune Music Council is a group of students who gather on a weekly basis to discuss and design music related activities and events.  Every year, they plan events such as: Grade 9 music student welcome, Winter Concert Miracle Minute, Mother's Day Carnation Sales, Arts Banquet, Arts Retreat activities and leadership/team building games, Feeder School area day,  hoodie sales, and the Halloween Haunted House. They also assist the music teachers with fundraising tasks and other department jobs. Students are eligible to apply to be on music council in September of their grade 9 or 10 year. President, Vice President and Executive Positions are chosen in June. Executive positions include: Secretary, Fundraising Director, Public relations, and Feeder School Liaison

Meetings are held in room C103 on Monday/Tuesday mornings.

Instagram: @bcimusic 

Facebook: BCI Music 


Staff Advisor: Mr. Ishiguro

Blaze is the school's audio-visual production team which assists in the running of school-wide events, including assemblies, talent shows, awards ceremonies, among other events. 

Blaze meets on Fridays after school, new members can apply in the fall. 

Instagram: @BethuneBlaze


Staff Advisor: Mr. Ishiguro and Mr. Dharamshi

The REPs set up for and help out at various events throughout the year and are involved in conducting tours of the school for parents and future Bethune students. In addition, they work with the Grade 9 students in order to help them with their transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9. 

Students can apply to join REPs in Spring 2023. There is not a regular meeting time, meeting are held as needed throughout the school year. 

Student Activity Council (SAC) 

Staff Advisor: Ms. Blom 

The Student Activity Council is a group of students who are elected to represent their peers as members of the student government. The SAC organizes exciting events throughout the year, including spirit days, talent shows, Halloween haunts, semi-formals, carnivals, among many other events. SAC serves as the voice of students and represent a student voice with the administration and teachers. SAC representatives are elected by the student body. Elections are held in May (for the following school year), and September (for incoming grade 9 Reps). 

Instagram: @bethune_sac 


Staff Advisor: Ms. Blom and Ms. Aziz

This is a team of approximately 30 students who design and prepare the pages which will make up the yearbook for all students. There are various positions available:

All new members are interviewed in September, while returning members apply in May, once the yearbook has been sent to the publisher. 

Instagram: @bethuneyearbook