Head Lice

Contact your school nurse immediately if you believe your child may have head lice. Your school nurse will follow the Head Lice Procedure. We do all that we can to ensure your child's privacy in all cases.

Head lice infestations can be asymptomatic, particularly with a first infestation or when an infestation is light. Itching ("pruritus") is the most common symptom of head lice infestation and is caused by an allergic reaction to louse bites. It may take 4–6 weeks for itching to appear the first time a person has head lice.

Other symptoms may include: a tickling feeling or a sensation of something moving in the hair; irritability and sleeplessness; and sores on the head caused by scratching. These sores caused by scratching can sometimes become infected with bacteria normally found on a person’s skin.

What are Head Lice?

Head lice are parasitic wingless insects. They live on human heads only and feed on blood. An adult is called a louse and is about the size of a sesame seed. The eggs, called nits, are even smaller - almost like a dandruff flake, except they are glued to the hair shaft and require a nit comb and fingernails to completely remove. Lice and nits are easiest to detect at the neckline and behind the ears.

Although head lice do not pose a health risk, they are contagious. Close contact or sharing personal belongings, such as hats or hairbrushes, puts classmates at risk. Children ages 3-11 and their families get head lice most often. Personal hygiene has nothing to do with getting head lice.

Exclusion of Students:

When the school nurse has confirmed that a student has an active case of head lice, the student’s parent/guardian will be notified and the student must be sent home from school. Parents may refer to the CDC webpage for more information on current treatment options.

Re-admission to School Following Treatment:

A student who has been excluded from school for head lice infestation may be re-admitted to school only after the school nurse or designated trained personnel has determined that the student was treated for the infestation and the student hair is lice-free. Parents/Guardians will be advised that the student must be accompanied to school with an adult in the event that the student must remain excluded.