
Undergraduate Program

The Undergraduate Program focuses on preparing students to be professionals in laboratory medicine. Fundamental courses, such as biology, molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry, microbiology, etc., are provided in the first two years. During the junior and senior years, students are offered clinical skill courses, among which are clinical hematology, clinical microbiology, clinical biochemistry, medical molecular diagnostics, etc. The six month internship program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills of being laboratory medicine scientists. To assist those who plan to work in the biotechnology industry, the department offers biotechnology and drug testing programs. The department also helps students who want to pursue biomedical research afterward.

Graduate (Master’s Program)

The goal of the Master’s Program aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in laboratory medicine, and assist them to do medical research or prepare for work in the biotechnology industry. Our program focuses on application of the scientific method, which includes analysis of research questions and data, critical reading, presenting scientific papers, and English usage in medical research.


  1. 碩士班修業期限為2至4年,最少必須修滿24學分 (不含碩士論文),其中16學分為必修。
  2. 課程之規劃除核心課程為共同必修【生物醫學導論(1)、生物技術(2)、生物技術實驗(2)、蛋白質體學(2)、生物資訊學(2)、專題討論(4)】外,依研究發展區分為生物檢驗分析(生物分析(3))及醫學生物技術(分子生物學(3))兩組,另外設立必修科目。選修課程則依指導教授要求另修習超過8學分以上(含)。
  3. 完成2次進度報告,第1次於二年級上學期初舉辦(報告於學期末前繳交);第2次於二年級下學期初舉辦(報告於完成進度報告後2週內繳交)。
  4. 需於畢業前以第一作者身份參加校內或校外學術研討會至少一次。