Register and Pay for Courses

Required! Before you go any further, you will not be able to register if you have missed these steps.

Go to the Academic Summary and then to your program outcome to register for courses.

On the tab with Academic History & Adjustments the very last section Degree Audit Class Recommendations is where the system suggests you further courses to register for.

Run Degree Audit

Make sure you click the Refresh Degree Audit Info button before accessing registration.

Check recommended courses

After you Refresh Degree Audit Info the Degree Audit Class Recommendation section should update and show suggested courses based on your residence and languages set in My Profile.

Degree Audit Class Recommendation

This tab offers the following functions:

Filter by Languages Selected in My Profile - this feature is checked by default which makes the system filter the suggested courses by the languages you set under My Profile.

The search field - you may use the search field for other than given criteria like Mentoring Center (i.e. Sofia, Bucharest, etc.) or Course code (i.e. BS 615, RE 600, etc.), as suggested.

The course dates show the beginning of the course when the face-to-face session starts, and the date when the course ends, respectively.

Enrollment - shows the total number of students registered for the course. The course capacity varies by Mentoring Center, course specifics, and Professor's preference.

Action - this is the column where you can register and/or pay for courses.

To proceed with registration for a chosen course, click on Registration & Payment Options as shown below.

If "Class is Full"

If you want to be added to the waiting list for the chosen course when it is already full, click on Class is Full - Add Me to the Waiting List

Under In-Progress Registration section, the course will show as Waitlisted. You can remove yourself from the waiting list or wait for the notification about the available seat.


Course registration fee (CRF) is assigned based on your citizenship. Check My Profile for your citizenship settings.

The new window offers you two types of payment:

  • Pay Now

  • Pay Later

  • Pay Now - By choosing this option you will be able to complete payment for the course online through the following services:

After you complete the payment a new page will display with Payment Status: Completed.

Then return to Academic Summary to see the course under In-Progress Registration section, as shown below:

As you can see, this is the location where you can Cancel your registration for the selected course, if desired. For completed payment, the amount will be credited to your account.

  • Pay Later- By choosing this option of payment when registering for a course you will be able to complete the payment at a later time through the following methods:

  1. Pay Online later

  2. Create a new link for Third-Party Payment

The page will update and these options will show under the In-Progress Registration section.

  1. Another payment method is to pay to a Regional Representative.

Student Account

Under Academic Summary go to the Account Receivable tab to see all your financial transactions. Based on the given examples you can see the difference between a course paid online (PT 602) with Class Fee assessed and online payment recorded, and the CN/TH 605 course that still needs to be paid.

The Balance highlighted in red at the top of the financial report shows the amount owed by the student.

Access the course on Moodle

Check course dates when your courses are scheduled to start. Courses will appear on your Dashboard on Moodle at when they are ready.