Here are a few frequently asked questions regarding online courses. If you have others, please don't hesitate to fill out this online form. Responses are given within a few hours, if not faster.

1. Is there a discounted price for 10 or more participants?

Yes, courses are discounted from $39 to $34, per participant with 10 or more participants. If you will let me know exactly how many folks you would like to have registered, I can prepare a custom quote for you. You can see exact discounts on the main page of this site.

2. Do these self-paced courses allow educators to go at their own speed?

Yes, participants can proceed at their own pace without an instructor. The goal is for participants to review content, practice any activities on their own. Upon completion, they can request a certificate and get their digital badge.

3. Can you enroll at any given time?

Yes, participants can enroll at any time. The process is detailed in the supporting materials in the quote we provide. However, you can pay for all your teachers in advance. We'll register them in the course, and they will receive an enrollment invitation to the course. Then they can accept that invitation when they are ready to start.

4. Can I see participant feedback about online courses?

Yes, you can see positive participant feedback online.