St. Basil-The-Great 

HIF Summer Program

                      July 3 - 26, 2024                      8:30 am - 2:40 pm

Our school was founded in 1962.  Our patron saint, St. Basil-the-Great, was born at Caesarea in Cappadocia (a region of southern Asia Minor, which today is a part of modern Turkey) around the year 300 AD and died there in 379 AD. St. Basil went to Egypt and Palestine to study the various forms of monastic life. He believed that community life was essential, so we hope that you too will exemplify a true Basilian way of life of service and respect for others in our school community. In the way he lived his life and in everything he did, St. Basil exemplified our school motto: 

Excelsa Petite 

Strive for that which is great!  


Our Favourite . . . Mental Health 


 Welcome Basilians!

Thank you so much for joining us in our SBC HIF Summer Program!

Our times and dates have been finalized:

Wed., July 3, 2024 - Fri., July 26, 2024

8:30 am - 2:40 pm

When and Where Do We Meet?

On Wednesday, July 3rd, please meet your teachers in the school Theatre at 8:25 am. There will be a volunteer at the main entrance to assist you.  Also, please ensure that you bring to school each day - writing utensils, lined paper, three-ring binder, calculator, eraser, and ruler. There will be no cafeteria service. Please note that the cafeteria area is not a nut-free facility. You will not be permitted to leave the school property during the school day.    No uniform.  Please dress appropriately.  

  Land Acknowledgement

The land we walk on belongs to the Creator. Earth

does not belong to humanity but rather, humanity is

part of the Earth. The land was created to be enjoyed

by all living beings, a principle reflected in The Dish

with One Spoon covenant. Taking only what we need

to preserve our earth for future generations, leaving

some for others as a sign of our respect and caring,

and keeping it clean by revitalizing the land to sustain

generations to come.

All Toronto Catholic District School Board properties

are situated on the traditional territories of the

Anishinabek, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and

the Wendat peoples. We recognize that the land

covered by Treaty 13 is held by the Mississaugas of the

Credit First Nation. We also listen to the echoes of their

prayers to the Creator, and respect the beauty of

Mother Earth while striving to learn and draw wisdom

from First Nations, Inuit and Métis traditions.

Would you like quiet inspiration at home?  

Let's pray with the Video Prayer. 

Think of your personal intentions.  

iBelieve - Daily Prayers

                      Weekly Schedule                                    Please Click the Pop-Out Arrow to the Right of the Schedule Weekly Schedule July  8- July 12 

Weekly Schedule  



Program Goals


  • Summer School classes run from July 3-July 26, 2024
  • Mid-term report cards will be distributed in the third week of the program.
  • Final Report cards will be distributed on ... _______________
  • Daily attendance in all classes is necessary for success.
  • Parents/guardians will be contacted if attendance is a concern. (Unless a medical certificate is submitted).
  • This course explores the challenges faced by all people:  how to meet basic needs, relate to others, manage resources, and become responsible members of society. 
  • In addition, the course is designed to strengthen essential literacy, numeracy, and interpersonal skills needed for success in the secondary school academic program.
  • Students will focus on locating information, identifying main ideas, supporting details, and consolidating skills in the application of key comprehension strategies. 
  • This course emphasizes a variety of physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living as they learn movement skills and principles, ways to improve personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention.  
  • The main objective within the numeracy aspect of this course is to build confidence, which is a key ingredient in learning and success in mathematics.  This confidence stems from the ability to be able to estimate, interpret data, solve problems, and communicate mathematically, reason in numerical, graphical, and geometric situations.  
  • The dignity and value of each student is respected and affirmed. Through their personal growth in reason, critical thinking and communication, students come to value their own voice through the integration of a variety of literature, mathematical, and learning strategies as a God given gift. By sharing their abilities, students contribute to the good of others, in service to the classroom and school community.
  • Treat others with respect
  • Be responsible
  • Behave appropriately

If you have any online sessions:
  • Join your meetings on time
  • Follow directions
  • Be prepared to participate
  • Live captions are available
  • Keep your password private
  • Turn your microphone on only when speaking
  • Do not record any meetings
  • Submit only your own work on time
  • Do not plagiarize - copy work from others
  • Do not engage in Cyberbullying
  • Report incidents of Cyberbullying
  • Reminders if online for an activity... 
Mic = MuteVideo Off = Not visible to anyoneVideo On = Always visible even if you switch to another tab in your browser
  • There is to be no . . . 
Recording - video or audioScreen captures or photosSharing of meeting material

Random Acts of Kindness?  Are Science and Kindness connected?! How about Smiling through your day as an Act of Kindness? Does the world need more LOVE LETTERS?  Can young children inspire you? Do you want to start an ARK Club at SBC! Scroll all the way down to see the answers in 5 videos! 

                                                  How Are Science and Acts of Kindness Related???

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation  provides us with a variety of ideas for performing acts of kindness for each other.  Today, let's look at the scientific effects of kindness.  Please click the video from

Is Smiling Really an Act of Kindness? 


The woman in the video "carries" her HUGE smile in order to make everyone happy, including herself.  

Please click the video from 

to find out how she does it.

                                                   Can these young children inspire you to greatness? 

Follow the small acts of kindness, which turn into great acts of love. 

Please click the video from            

         to find out more!

How did one lonely girl start writing love letters for others? 

A young girl feels fulfillment by writing kind and meaningful letters to people all over the world.  Hundreds of people wanted more! Please click the video from to find out how her letter writing act of kindness grew and grew and grew!

Do you want to start a Random Acts of Kindness Club?  

Watch the video from to see how one student did and she has made such a difference in many schools!