Students Within A College

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Summer SWAC (School Within A College) class being offered by George Brown College which can give your students the potential to earn two high school credits and one college credit. Here are the credits they are offering:

ENGLISH GR. 12 - (Can also upgrade their English mark)

Dual Credit - Forensic Psychology HBI 4T1 - counts as a high school credit and College Credit

Become a college student... While you're still in secondary school!

Complete your work in a dedicated classroom centrally located on a college campus. All OSSD credits are taught by a TCDSB teacher.

Access to all of the college facilities including: library, open access computer labs, athletics facilities, and a College ID Card!

Access to all of the college services including: Learning Skills Workshops, Peer Tutoring and Peer Mentoring programs, Career Centre and Career Advisors, counselling services, academic/learning resources, post-secondary pathway planning, and much more

Take one or two dual credit courses that will count as both a college course and a credit towards your OSSD

If you are interested in the Summer SWAC program, contact your guidance counselor for instructions on registration or additional information.

In the summer, we will be offering a SWAC program through Seneca college. This is an amazing opportunity for students to gain 3 OSSD credits (ENG is one of these) and one college credit during the month of July. I'm sure that every school has at least ONE student that would benefit from this program. Registration is also open for this opportunity.