Faith Formation
All activities of the school, from biology to band, from football to forensics, have this objective: to find God in all of God's wondrous creation.
Brebeuf believes that yearning and longing for union with one's Creator is at the core of every person's being. Our community strives to aide all of our students, regardless of faith, race and denomination, in their pursuit of God.
The mission of Chaplaincy is to support the Brebeuf community in its work of finding God in all things. To this end, Pastoral Ministry serves the community through liturgies, retreats, service to the poor and disenfranchised, pastoral counselling, Christian support organizations, and faculty/staff spiritual formation. With the inspiration of St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Jean de Brebeuf, Blessed Edmund Rice, and Our Lady of the Presentation, we do all things for the Greater Glory of God.
Brebeuf College School believes that the way, the truth and the life informed by the teachings and life of Jesus lead one to success, to happiness and service to the other. Brebeuf’s hallmarks are faith, excellence, tradition, and fellowship.
Brebeuf College School is grounded in the conviction of St. Ignatius Loyola that God is to be found in all things.
Prayer and reflection are two tenets of Ignatian spirituality lived out by our community every day.
Classes begin with prayer and throughout the day, the community takes time to reflect and be thankful.
In the beginning of the week, students reflect themselves with St. Ignatius' examination of conscience, also known as: "The Examen."
Brebeuf offers friendly and fun fellowships both at and outside of school. Since "Men for Others" is Brebeuf College's unofficial motto, the students seek toward service of others and not for the students themselves. Joining in fellowship will not only create new friendships and bonds with people from other cultures, religions, or races but the experiences that you would make with them as true authentic friends through faith and fellowship.
Kairos - Jesuit schools have long been noted for their retreats. They were central to St. Ignatius’s vision of education. He believed that Jesuit schools ought to educate the whole person: body, mind, and soul. We embrace Ignatius’s conviction that God can be found in all things, including the heart and mind of a young man. On Kairos we together explore the questions young men ask. We encourage them to listen to one another, talk openly, and to seek God in themselves, their families, and in one another. Furthermore, Kairos focuses on the Christian call to serve others. It is an important turning point for many young men; it becomes a time to refocus their lives on what matters most.
The Salesian Leadership Retreat - When St. John Bosco founded the Salesians in 1859, his mission was clear and simple: to be a friend -a friend to kids who were poor, kids who had been abandoned, kids who were at risk - and, in so doing, to be a friend to Christ. Today, this Catholic religious organization continues doing the work of the Lord in the spirit of its founder - with over 40,000 Salesian priests, brothers, sisters, and lay people working in 120 countries all over the world. The Salesian Leadership Retreat happens every fall and winter at Brebeuf and it is available to all grade eleven students. The retreat is a gift from God that allows our young men to truly find God in every aspect of their lives.
St. Francis Table - Continuing the tradition of Brebeuf as a Man for Others, every Thursday, the 'Brebeuf Boyz' travel to downtown Toronto to the St. Francis Table to serve the poor food. This powerful initiative will help students explore the love of others while doing tasks that is very expressive to our school as a whole. The ministry of the Capuchin-Franciscan Friars and friends is committed to creating a Faith Community with the poor through direct services that preserve and enhance human dignity.
Pilgrimages at brebeuf
Brebeuf provides students the opportunity to extend their “education outside the classroom” through our pilgrimages to Rome during Holy Week and or to Spain during March Break to walk in the footsteps of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Students learn firsthand, the motto of being Men for Others through these experiences, putting others before themselves and learning about other cultures.
Holy Week Pilgrimage to Rome
During Holy Week the Brebeuf community forms a pilgrimage to Rome of 30 young men from all grades to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Discovering Christ through the sites, conversations, and especially through prayer and the sacraments.
Spain Pilgrimage - St. Ignatius of Loyola
Spring Break of 2018's pilgrimage traveled throughout Spain. This trip focused on the important sites in the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits.
Mr. Gregoris
Mr. Guy
Chaplain, Religion Department Head
Room 317
Youth Room
Room 316
Chaplaincy Centre
Room 315