STEM Experiences1.11
Indicator 1.11: Students are supported in their STEM learning through adult-world connections and extended day opportunities.
Munford High School is a one-to-one device school. Our students are able to work with technology at home and school. We have created a Google Classroom page for all classes which allows easy access for students who may have been absent to get their work. It is easier to disseminate information to students through this platform.
Munford High School students are supported in their STEM learning with real-world applications and trade opportunities. Students participate in work-based learning and post-secondary experiences. Students have the ability to take college courses through Central Alabama Community College and Gadsden State Community College. Jacksonville State University also partners with Munford High School to offer dual enrollment history classes on MHS's campus and a dual enrollment coding class at JSU's McClellan campus. In order to keep parents updated with the latest course offerings, we have biannual AP and dual enrollment parent meetings. Career tech classes such as Law and Public Safety, Health Science, Auto Repair, Computer Technology, and Welding also create apprenticeship opportunities for our students.
Munford High School has a partnership with the U.S. Forestry Service. This partnership has been monumental in offering students STEM training that is unique to Munford High School. We have outdoor classrooms that students at Munford contributed to building or have assisted in maintaining. This includes a greenhouse, ponds, arboretum, small amphitheater, and many more. Our partnership with the U.S. Forestry Service has allowed students to participate in a variety of activities, such as Get Outdoors Day, Kids in the Woods, and elementary fishing trips. The U.S. Forestry Service has provided grants and outside funding for the environmentally-themed activities present on Munford’s beautiful campus.
Munford High School participates in BEST Robotics, which is a competition that exemplifies STEM learning. BEST Robotics is a group that competes at multiple technology fairs in different parts of the state. Members of BEST Robotics create robots from a set of given materials. Students work extremely hard to develop the skills necessary to design an original product that meets certain product specifications. Students have also used an on-site 3D laser printer to create replacement knobs for air conditioning units in classrooms and for sprinkler cut-off valves located in the greenhouse.
Munford High School offers ACT Prep classes so that students can improve their ACT score prior to applying for colleges and universities. We strive to give students all tools necessary to be successful in their future endeavors.
MHS is also implementing a “Rolling Study Hall Tutor”. A school employee rides the bus routes in the morning and afternoon to ensure that students can get help in areas where they struggle academically.
Partnerships with Auburn University and Jacksonville State University provide students with STEM Learning. Auburn University has given our students the opportunity to get outdoors and keep track of black bear patterns. In the field, students document evidence of black bear findings in Talladega County. Additionally, Jacksonville State University collaborates with Munford High School to give students the opportunity to work and learn with Aquaculture. Students this year have reared zebrafish. They have documented growth and have worked closely with the people from JSU to learn about the species. JSU has helped create a STEM experience for our students for many years now.
Munford High School also provides different speakers to enhance STEM learning. Speakers have come from banks, manufacturing, insurance, and many other career choices over the past five years. These speakers help students determine what careers may suit them, and it also allows students to discern how a STEM learning environment can create great opportunities for them in the future.
Robotics Club
Take plywood and a box filled with items such as PVC pipe, screws and other hardware. Try within six weeks to design and build a functioning machine that can perform specific tasks in three minutes. What do you get? You get BEST, a middle and high school robotics competition whose mission is to engage and excite students about engineering, science, and technology as well as inspire them to pursue careers in these fields. Through participation in our project-based STEM program, students learn to analyze and solve problems utilizing the Engineering Design Process, which helps them develop technological literacy skills. It is these skills that industry seeks in its workforce.

This competition was held at Fort McClellan where students were able to see real world uses for different types of robots. The Explosive Ordinance (EOD) Robot from the Army National Guard was on full display, and the Army explained the purpose of the robot and how it was built. Students were encouraged to ask questions and operate the robot.
Cooperative Education

Talladega County School System had 139 students to participate in the Cooperative Education Work-based Learning program in the 2016-1017 academic school year and 195 students to participate in 2017-2018.
Work-Based learning provides students with educational opportunities that typically cannot be replicated in the classroom. This course emphasizes the necessity of providing students with various experiences in the work force as well as a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the work industry and encourages a strong work ethic for the students.
The work-based experiences are designed to make learning relevant, improve graduation rates, and better prepare students for careers or continued education. Students learn to connect information learned in the classroom with skills obtained in an occupational setting. These experiences include school-based enterprises, industry tours and job fairs, job shadowing, work-based learning pilot experiences, and industry-based learning experiences.
MHS students show their mastery of welding skills by teaching other peers who are also interested in the trade.
Radio Station
To educate the community about our various projects, we have a weekly radio show on 92.7 alongside our Board Member, Mr. Johnny Ponder! Our students are often guests on the show and are given opportunity to be the voice of Munford High School. They can be heard on Tuesday mornings at 7:15.