A Collection of My Personal Thoughts. Right or Wrong... They are My Thoughts

Samford Alumni Article

June 22, 2020

As the principal of Childersburg High School, Quentin Lee was used to going above and beyond for his students, but that took on a new meaning when COVID-19 began to affect the state of Alabama in mid-March.

To read the article click here.

Kahoot EDU Summit

June 23, 2020

I had the honor of being a speaker at the Kahoot EDU Summit! There were over 30,000 people signed up to attend the virtual summit!

I’m super excited that doors are opening!

Helping put Alabama on the map!

💥 On June 17, Natasha Mascarenhas, Mia Leonard and Quentin Lee will be participating in a panel on distance learning💻 at the first ever Kahoot! EDU Summit! 🎉

Click below to get in on the action:

Father's Day Tribute

June 21, 2020

Look who surprised me for Fathers’ Day! The person that made a young childish irresponsible and unfocused boy a father at the age of 20. I was so lost and got a lot of things wrong, but I took being a father seriously. Being that I didn’t have a father, I wanted to get it right!

Thanks for granting me grace when I didn’t get it right, and thanks for making me your hero!

Happy Fathers’ Day!

Happy Fathers’ Day to the only man I’ve called Dad. I didn’t get a father until I got married in 2011, but he has been fathering me since 2007. Thanks for filling in the gap and erasing over 25 years of hurt and rejection. Thanks for treating as your natural son. Happy Fathers’ Day Herman Coachman Sr.

Quentin and the Whale

June 20, 2020

Quentin and the Whale-

Episode 2

As I was sitting on the bank of the river I thought to myself... “how canneth I fisheth to feed the people of Jericho(Eufala)?”

Suddenly a hurricane came about... instead of taking shelter I stood on the banks hoping to meet my quota of 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. As I was weathering the storm, a whale the size of a football field came alongside the shore. Yeah, at first I was a little frightened, but I had to persevere. I cast my line into the tumultuous storm and single handedly caught this whale.

I was able to take this photo quickly as the storms of life were raging and the billows were rolling.

The people of Jericho had a parade in my honor. Hope in humanity had been restored.

Humbly Submitted- Captain Lee

{some information may be modified to protect the innocence of those mentioned}

Father's Day Fishing Trip

June 20, 2020

I received a special treat for Father's' Day this year. My Father in Law took me on a fishing trip with his 4 other brothers and a few family and friends. It was amazing. It was the break that I needed to get back focused.

On Wednesday, Dad came down to take me to the family property in Cottonwood Alabama. It's a small town outside of Dothan. It was also the spot where he gave me my first gun. Dad gave me the first gun that he bought as a teenager, a pump action shotgun. It was AMAZING to hold. I got to shoot several rounds. I thought that I had everything figured out until he loaded some odd looking rounds. I inquired about them and was brushed off. He told me that I should "mix up" my rounds. It was a slug... and boy did I feel it. It actually bruised my shoulder. We shot several guns. It was so fun. The rest of the day Wednesday was filled with 1 on 1 Dad time... and Applebees!

On Thursday we got up super early to go fishing. We drove to Lake Eufala. It was a beautiful state park. There were cabins and cottages all around. Dad and I fished for about 2 hours without a single bite. We then went to a nearby lake to fish some more... Once again...... NO Luck. I did manage to snag a tree and to get the fishing line tangled. The rest of our family came in town around 4pm. We all embraced each other in brotherly love. Seeing Dad in his element with his brothers did my heart good. I thought to myself... maybe there is some hope for my brothers and I. We went back out fishing Thursday night, but this time on the boat. I am probably the world's worst swimmer. To say that I was nervous is definitely an understatement. I found comfort in Dad being on the boat along with Uncle Curtis. Unfortunately Uncle Joe's boat engine died moments after being put in the water. We didn't let it stop us at all. We pulled their boat to under the bridge. We fished for about 2 hours on the water. We didn't catch a single thing, but we did see a few alligators and shared many laughs. Thursday was also the day of the feast. We had all kinds of food to eat. It was a day of family love... I needed it.

Friday came, and we got up and at em early. We went back on the boat for round 2. This time I was in the boat with Uncle Curtis and my cousin Congi. If I'm completely honest, I think Dad brought me down early to give me lessons on fishing so that I wouldn't look bad... It worked! I at least knew how to cast the rod... so I thought. We stayed on the water for about 3 hours. It seemed as if the sun was literally cooking us on the spot. It was scorching. Uncle Curtis caught a few fish, but I did not. Uncle Curtis took the place of my Dad on the boat and I felt safe. When it was time to go, Uncle Curtis had me to back his truck down to load the boat. That was EXTREMELY stressful. I can't tell you the stress level that I was experiencing. We finally got it loaded and I pulled my first boat in a truck. We went back to the cabins to rest. I took a much needed nap. When I got up, Dad and the crew were ready to roll again. This time we went back to the bank to fish. Everyone attended this time on the bank. It was healing to see and experience.

I called myself being a "bass pro fisherman" and I got the line caught up in the rod once again. It was terrible. It was so bad that Dad "grounded" me from using that rod and I was assigned another rod that I could manage. Honestly I was glad. It was difficult trying to remember to move my thumb. This new rod had magic! It was the rod that I used when I caught my massive fish. The other cool thing is that Dad and I both caught a fish within seconds of each other. His was a keeper and mine needed to grow some more. I shared that moment with Dad! I finally caught my fish. I will post my story of the fish in another blog post.

All in all the trip was amazing! I am so ready to go on next year's trips. I even look forward to bringing Cass alone when he gets up in age.

Saturday Bike Rides

June 13, 2020

Meet Ced Tyson! He's my brother! My Friend! My Ex Workout Partner (crossfit is a beast) and one of the most genuine people that I have met. I've learned a lot about myself through being friends with Ced. This post serves as a space holder. You will hear about Ced and his journey in the future.

Happy Birthday Cass

June 11, 2020

Happy 7th Birthday to my blessing Cass. Being his father is rewarding and an absolute joy. Cass is a true southern gentleman. He’s intelligent, witty, silly, and handsome. Cass has a heart of gold and loves helping people. He writes books for our neighbors and family members. I love my son!

I pray continued blessings of guidance and protection over his life!

The world we be better because of Quentin Jerome Cass Lee, II

Thank You Maddie...

June 10, 2020

My students are amazing. Please read Maddie's response to the ongoing pandemic of racism in our country. I absolutely love your heart.

For the past few weeks, I have been silent on the current issues that face our country. It wasn't that I didn't care or that I didn't support, it was because my eyes have been open to the awful things that my black friends have had to endure their entire lives. Growing up in a small town, I didn't see them for their color. I saw them for their laughs, amazing support, and endless love they gave me. Of course, I knew that our interests and culture were different. However, that is what made our friendships even better. I didn't know the hardships they had to face just for the color of their skin. I never knew what it is like to be under watchful stares and accusations. These past weeks have really opened my eyes. Instead of immediately bashing out on social media, I went to God to find my voice. I asked Him to open my eyes and show me what I needed to say. Through the Hebrew Bible study, I have gone through for the past year, a few passages really stood out to me. In Hebrews 2:17, it states that "Jesus had to be made like us in all things so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people." Then, in Hebrews 4:15, it states that "we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." I may not know what it's like to have to face the trials black people have to face, but Christ does. He was faced with every single temptation, but unlike us, He did not fall under the power of sin. That is why no matter who you are, white, black, mixed, we can all run to Christ with open arms. He understands the pain, the ridicule, and the persecutions. Hebrews 4:16 concludes that because Christ was tempted and did not sin, then "we are able to draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Racism, murder, hate, everything that does not follow the word of God is sin. My heart hurts for my best friends who are under such persecution just because of the color of their skin. My heart hurts for our country because it proves just how fallen of a creation we are. As we go out to change our country for the better, let us not forget to share the word of God. We need to stand together. Let's stand not just for the black lives that need to be made equal to ours, but let's stand with Christ and the word of God.

Character Summit

June 8, 2020

Today, June 8, 2020 I had the opportunity to be a keynote speaker for the first Creating a Culture of Character Summit through The Hope Institute. I spoke on The Power of Relationships. Even though I was presenting to others... it provided healing for myself! I spoke about the relationships that have formed me into who I am today. I took a picture of me before I presented. This picture has taken me out. I didn't realize that my mom's photo on my desk was in the picture. I had a FULL Complete moment! Today was my first big keynote. I'm so thankful for the opportunity.

Please check out for more information.


June 3, 2020

I am a blog author on a national website! Insert Applause and Praise to God. Check out the blog below. I hope it touches your heart.

Our job as a Christian is to rejoice in the Lord always. That job is magnified as a Christian educator. Yes, even during the great quarantine of 2020, our Father calls us to rejoice in the Lord. Rejoicing in the Lord is not a suggestion, it’s a command. It’s a call to action to honor our Father. It’s so important that we rejoice that it is repeated in the scripture. What does rejoicing look like? Is it a loud shout? Is it the waving of our hands? It’s different for different people. I believe that we rejoice in the Lord when we make up our minds to serve Him while finding our joy in His love. It’s a lifestyle of worship that we display with our lives.

Click to here to read more.

Love is the Answer

May 31, 2020

There's a pandemic going on in our nation.

COVID-19, the obvious and most recent pandemic had definitely affected us all in some form or fashion. But, there is another pandemic that continues to stain the history of our great nation.


This week we were face to face with Racism with the untimely death of George Floyd. Regardless of your stance regarding politics or even the protests and riots, we all can agree that A MAN LOST HIS LIFE ON CAMERA FROM A KNEE ON HIS NECK.

As a Black Man it Hurts... As a Christian and Believer of Jesus Christ, It Hurts More!

Yes what we are dealing with is definitely a skin issue... but the skin on the outside is being impacted by the sin on the inside.

Contrary to belief there is only one heaven and one hell. Eternal destinations only have one race... the human race. We are commanded to love one another.

1 John 3:15 says "Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer and you know that NO murderer has eternal life in him."

We are not to love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.

It's not what you are saying, it is WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Love is an Action Verb.

It's Different When You See It In Writing

May 28, 2020

I was asked to speak at the Creating a Culture of Character Summit presented by The Hope Institute and Samford University. To say I was honored would be an understatement. I had one of those out of body experiences that you see on the Sci Fi Channels. I couldn't believe it. I was beyond excited. I was also stunned at the same time. I was stunned that someone wanted to hear "my" story, and wanted to hear "my" thoughts.

I received the email invitation that went out to all of the participants today. When I saw my name I dropped a tear. Seeing it in writing was definitely the moment it became real. A moment that I will remember forever. I've spoken at many churches, organizational meetings, banquets, programs, schools, and even a few educational conferences, but I have never been a "featured speaker" at an educational conference. I am humbled.

I can't wait to share with you guys the video of the conference. This will be the first of many.

Happy Birthday Momma

May 27, 2020

Happy Heavenly Birthday to my Mother the beautiful Edna Stone. I’ve struggled and hid behind a smile all day. Celebrating her birthday is a painful pleasure... I’m overjoyed by the legacy she left behind, but I’m also deeply saddened over the legacy she left behind. My mother had a larger than life approach to everything. Today she would have demanded a song and expected a surprise. What I wouldn’t give to hear her voice, feel her touch, or even receive her sweet gentle hugs. This picture is from about 10 minutes before she closed her eyes to take her rest.

I miss you Momma...

I promised you I would make you proud!!!

Aniya has so many of your ways...

Meet Taylor Carter's Heart

May 26, 2020

I thought long and hard about what to post about the inhumane killing of George Floyd. Am I upset? Absolutely... Am I afraid?... honestly... yes. When I read Taylor's response I knew I had to share it. Taylor and I attend the same church. We served on the same team, and we ultimately serve the Same God. Taylor's unapologetic approach has enlightened me. Taylor is a teacher. I would love for my son to be in her class one day.

Please read below:

In regards to George Floyd, and every other racially charged police brutality occurrence that has recently happened...I saw the hashtag #whitepeopleareyoumadyet.

Yes, yes we are.

And I’m here to apologize...on my behalf, and any other white person who realizes their mistakes. I’m sorry for when I said “I don’t see color” as if the pigment in your skin doesn’t matter. While said with good intentions, it’s a lie. I do see color...because I see you. And seeing you, truly seeing you, has opened my eyes and heart to so much that goes on in this world.

I’m sorry for the times that I saw or read about something inhumane and thought “there must be more to this story..” because there isn’t always more to the story. Sometimes people are just evil.

I’m sorry for thinking that I could “raise my kids right” and not have to deal with the “race issue”. For thinking that, somehow, ignoring it would fix it.

I’m sorry that I let my privilege distort reality. No longer will this happen. No longer will I claim “I don’t see color” but I will acknowledge it. I will acknowledge your culture, I will acknowledge your struggles, and I will acknowledge your successes. No longer will I turn a blind eye to the evil in this world simply because it is hard to look at. No longer will I naively hope that my kids don’t “deal with race”. Rather, I will tackle the issue head on...ensuring that they fully understand what racism is. That they can recognize it. So when they inevitably face a racially charged situation, they will be aware, vigilant, and confident in their stance...a stance full of compassion and love for God’s people...all of them.

So, white people, are we mad yet?

My Work Family

May 22, 2020

The #COMMITTED faculty and staff of Childersburg High School. Serving at Graduation was our pleasure. This picture holds so many fond memories. We are extremely excited about the future, even though some of our teachers are transitioning to other positions. We are a family. NOT PERFECT... but a family.

Thanks for an awesome year!

Graduation: Quarantine Style

May 21, 2020

Graduation Season. A time when families come together to celebrate the academic accomplishments of their loved ones. It's a time that love is expressed, and genuine compassion is shown through the showering of gifts to the graduate. It's a time loved by all. But what about during the middle of a pandemic?

Due to COVID-19 school buildings have been shut down for the last two months. Gov Kay Ivey began to reopen the state. We were able to provide a graduation ceremony for our students. Keep in mind, we had to follow all guidelines regarding social distancing. Even though it was extra work, it was worth it for our students. We planned for several days to make sure that we were able to provide a top of the line ceremony for our students.

I am extremely proud of my faculty and staff. We met at 5:00pm and the rest was history. My teachers served the senior families with excellence. We did it all from getting parents from the car, to students in the lunchroom. From delivering programs, to escorting parents to the restroom. We Served! That was our primary goal for the evening.

In my opinion, graduation 2020 was probably one of my favorite graduations. It was a bit longer than usual, but extremely intimate for the students and their families.

COVID-19 Didn't Shut Down School... It made them better

May 20, 2020

If you think that COVID-19 shut your school down, then it was shut down way before COVID-19. The only thing that closed with COVID-19 was the physical presence on school campuses across the nation. It did not shut down authentic student relationships, parental engagement, or the mission and value of the school.

COVID forced us to differentiate instruction. Now don't get me wrong, it was drastic measures, but it is definitely individualized for each student. I think we learned that cookie cutter approaches NEVER work... not before COVID nor after. Schools that have continued throughout this process have definitely learned a tremendous amount of information about their communities. We learned about what resources were available, should be available, not available, and what was being avoided.

COVID improved our communication with families and students. It actually gave everyone a voice. However I can't help but to think... did schools listen to the voices of the students... That's another Blog for another day.

We have just finished 3 days of activities for our seniors. We hosted a Virtual Baccalaureate on Sunday, Drive Thru Graduation Checklist Day on Monday, and a Virtual Senior Awards Day on Tuesday. Our days may be closed, but our hearts are wide open. COVID made us think of innovative ways to show our students that we loved them versus caring. There's a huge difference.

We have to find the good in everything, and we can't waste time ANY longer. Don't spend time complaining about what could have been... spend that time making a difference.


May 8, 2020

#irunwithmaud #runwithmaud

I ran today to show support. There’s nothing I can do physically to ease the pain of his mother. There’s not even anything I can do make this be right or even make sense... What I can do is Make A Difference everyday in the lives of those I serve.

I ran nonstop. That was my goal.

I finished my course today... unfortunately Maud didn’t get that same opportunity.

Some of my teacher friends from Stemley Road Elementary joined me. We supported each other on the run. We reflected, shared stories, and embraced the dream of MLK.


CBS 42

May 4, 2020

CHILDERBURG, Ala. (WIAT) — One principal in Childersburg wanted to express his feelings during this pandemic. Here’s how he did it.

“I want to sing you a song that lets you know how I have been feeling during this COVID-19 pandemic,” Childersburg High Principal Quentin Lee said in a video posted on YouTube.

Lead The Way

April 26, 2020

Supporting Students During COVID-19 is critical for their success. Principal, Dr. Quentin Lee, shares how his school is supporting students and helping them find success during this pandemic. Listen to this episode to see how Dr. Lee is leading his school through the Coronavirus

CHS Essential Workers

April 24, 2020

Excerpt from The Daily Home Newspaper- Shane Dunaway

Childersburg High Principal Dr. Quentin Lee commended Johnson for her resolve and work ethic, both in and out of the classroom.

“Tavaria is a first-class student,” he said. “She’s been extremely dedicated to her school for as long as she’s been there. She’s extremely involved, she works hard and she’s extremely proud of her school. She’s always been really goal-driven and really focuses all her energy into going to the next level.

“For her to be able to balance working as well as studying for the exams she has to come up and finish for her senior year has just been remarkable. It shows her character and the expectations that she’s put forth for her life -- to be able to deal with this pandemic that’s going on as well as providing for her future and her family.”

Lee added what Johnson and many other students in the county who are balancing education and essential work are doing will be remembered in the future.

“We study in the books about the different things our country has been through and the impact young people have played,” he said. “Now, our students are actually creating history. They’ll be able to tell generations to come about how they actually carried America on their backs simply by providing services, while at the same time earning funds for their families. I think they understand the importance of it and I think it’s given them a heightened sense of pride as well.”

CHS Best High Schools

April 24, 2020

Congratulations to the Students, Parents, Community, and Faculty of Childersburg High School for being named one of the best high schools in the state of Alabama by U.S. News and World Report! #COMMITTED

CHS Mission Statement:

Committed to a culture of success by building relationships, providing resources, and fostering respect among students, teachers, parents, and the community.

CHS Vision Statement:

To create a nationally recognized high school that provides opportunities, challenges students and teachers, and builds a legacy of excellence.…/best-high-schools/…/rankings

Memories of Momma

April 21, 2020

This picture gets me every year on this day. My beautiful momma would throw a wig on in a second! All she needed was an outfit, earrings, wig, and a little make up and she was set to go. This picture was taken at Kiesha’s Little Miss Pink and Precious Pageant in Talladega. My Momma supported! I know she would have called already twice this morning if she were still physically here.

What you see is grace! What you don’t see is her in the fight of her life with cancer.

Kiesha turns 19

April 21, 2020

Today is my daughter’s 19th Birthday! Time flies! I’m so proud of the woman you have become and are becoming. You allow Anita and I to parent you with love and purpose. You also extend to us grace when we miss the mark. There are numerous things that could have affected you, but you persevered through them all.

I pray continued blessings and protection over you today and for the rest of your life. I pray vision becomes clear! I pray purpose becomes more defined! I pray that every attack from the enemy is cursed and will not prosper. I pray an overflow of blessings and prosperity. Last but not least, I thank God for your life.

#HappyBirthday #GodIs #turnup #19 #Iamonly27 #FamiLee

Happy Birthday Aunt Rhonda

April 19, 2020

Happy Birthday to my Aunt Rhonda!!! I’m so thankful for her sacrifice for her nephews and nieces. My Aunt and Grandmother took me in when I was 15 because I was struggling as a young kid. I ultimately believe that act on their end changed my life. My Aunt has always been supportive. She helped me with Kiesha when she was born because I literally had no clue what to do. Times were hard. She never complained, and eventually made Kiesha like her granddaughter. I will always love her for that. Happy Birthday🎉 Thank you for being one of the people in my life that I can always count on!

She absolutely hates photos and Facebook!

Dr. Jason Hiram Lester

April 17, 2020

I welcome my band brother, my frat brother, my line brother, my friend, and most importantly my brother Dr. Jason Hiram Lester to the ranks of those who have successfully defended a dissertation. Dr. Lester is a one of a kind man. If you knew his story you would understand why I am typing this message with tears flowing down my face. He didn't just do this for himself, he did it for his mom, and his father which both passed away while he was a young boy. Dr. Lester has defied the odds tremendously and is a true testament to the power of God and prayer. I am in constant awe of his unwavering commitment to make a difference in the world.

Dr. Jason Hiram Lester, I love you man. Keep making your parents and family proud.

He did this on his Mom's Birthday

Lee Family Worship Night

April 11, 2020

We did a Live Worship Concert on Saturday from our home to yours. To experience the worship service go to Anita or my Facebook page. Don't just watch it, join in with us.

Food Service

April 3, 2020

Talladega County Schools distributed meals for students Thursday, April 2, on system campuses. The grab and go meals provided food for Thursday and Friday as well as a weekend backpack of food from Alabama Childhood Food Solutions in Sylacauga. Coordination between administrators, Child Nutrition Program workers, teachers and volunteers was needed to prepare and distribute the meals. The pickup locations for the meals were Childersburg High, Winterboro High, B.B. Comer High, Stemley Road Elementary, Fayetteville High, Lincoln Elementary and Munford Elementary.


March 26, 2020

Decided to record my words.

Meet Xachary

March 24, 2020

I finally got my BMW! This is a blessing. God honored my sacrifices and granted me this desire.

The Flu?

March 10, 2020

How in the world did I get the Flu? This is not right! I mean, I need some kind of special toy or something. I've been known to get the occasional sinus infection about once a year, but the Flu? Something has to give. Which one of my delightful students decided to grace me with this parting gift?

My Assistant Principal Brittanni Brown forced me to go home. I was bound and determined to stay at school, but that was a No Go. I went directly to the Urgent Care after being forced to leave school. Well... I did stop for Chinese food. I figured if I was sick that I wouldn't get a chance to get some good food for a few days. (I was right)

Hoping for a quick recovery during this process.

5 Years without Momma...

March 11, 2020

It’s been 5 years since I’ve lost my dear sweet momma. In typical fashion I am extremely strong on all days but today. At 12:00am the tears began to roll. I knew it would be rough but recovering from the flu has made it different. It doesn’t seem like it’s been 5 years already. Although we didn’t grow up rich, we grew up wealthy in love. Momma taught us how to treat people. She did all she could for her 6 boys. I will cherish the memories of Edna Ruth. She was always so proud of all 6 of us regardless what we were doing. If you knew my mom then you would understand.

Keep resting in glory momma. I can’t even lie... this hurts...

Military Signing Day

February 27, 2020

Today I had the honor to fill in for a student as a proud principal and father figure. Due to circumstances beyond his control, his family was not able to attend. It did my heart proud to be asked to fill in. Below is the article from Sylacauga News about our event.

Ten Childersburg students secured their futures after high school by signing with the military at Childersburg High School (CHS) for Military Signing Day this morning. The event was sponsored by Law and Public Safety Academy at CHS.

The 10 students signed their letters in the CHS arena to four different branches of the military. Those four branches were The United States Army, The Army National Guard, The United States Air Force and The United States Marine Corps.

“This is a very huge event, not only for our students, but for the community,” said Law and Public Safety Teacher at CHS Evelyn Reeves. Reeves is also a military veteran. “It was amazing to have ten seniors go ahead and sign contracts because that is a huge number for one school.”

The event featured the presentation of the colors, singing of the National Anthem and a guest speaker. The speaker was retired Brigadier General Robert Holmes of the United States Air Force.

After the official signing took place, refreshments were offered by the Childersburg Family and Consumer Sciences hospitality team for the families and distinguished guests.

Special Shoutout to my Line Brothers off the “22 Greatest Hits” Line. Today makes 17 years of being a Brother of Phi Beta Sigma from Alabama A & M (“Gorgeous” Gamma Epsilon Chapter).

Our big brothers charged us with the ultimate task of being successful black men in our various fields of study/ employment, while having an attitude to serve our respective communities in the respective cities we would live in. Collectively, we've done well and have not let them down. Cheers!!!

1. Dropped.

2. Cedric Tyler “Skee-low/ H.N.I.C.” Tyler of Decatur, Georgia

3. Rashad Wright “Flavor Flav” of Birmingham, Alabama

4. Norvel Crawford III “DeBarge” of Detroit, Michigan

5. Howard Johnson “Ying” of Pine Bluff, Arkansas

6. Harold Johnson “Yang” of Pine Bluff, Arkansas

7. Nick Allen “Humpty Hump” of Baltimore, Maryland

8. Dr. Jason Lester “Uncle Luke” of Decatur, Georgia

9. Dropped.

10. Jerald Harris “Mr. Biggs” of Mobile, Alabama

11. Dr. Quentin J Lee “Jang-A-Lang” of Scottsboro, Alabama

12. Cletus Gibbs / Sincere Gibbs “Trick Daddy Dollar” of Miami, Florida

13. Jamal Grooms” Water Boy” of Montgomery, Alabama

14. Vairrun Strickland “POP & LOCK” of Chicago, Illinois

15. Desmond Brown “50 Cent” of Clinton, Alabama

16. Quincy Jenkins “Smooth Operator” of Chicago, Illinois

17. Sylvester Redix “Eight Ball” of Pine Bluff, Arkansas

18. Robert Bryant “King of Krunk” of Bessemer, Alabama

19. Curry Callaway “Lil Luther” of Athens, Georgia

20. Rashad McGee “Big Crunk” of Atlanta, Georgia

21. Eric Minor “Dave Hollister” from Selma, Alabama

22. Anthony Hayes “Bird Man” from Century, Florida

Chapter President - Quentin T. Carter “Lil Lover”

Dean of Pledges- Pedro Perry - “Da Truth”

Assistant Dean of Pledges- Bobby Golden - “White Chocolate”

*missing from the photo #2 Cedric Tyler, #10 Jerald Harris, #12 Cletus Gibbs & #22 Anthony Haynes

CHS- Final Four

February 25, 2020

This is my 7th attempt at posting a status. Why? Because every time I start tears form in my eyes. Not because we didn’t win the game... WE ARE NEVER LOSERS! But I’m overwhelmed with emotions.

Earlier I posted that I had a vision to take 200. We had $1120 donated to our cause. That donation was able to help lower the cost for travel today. We didn’t take 200, we took 230.

I’m also full of emotions based upon our dynamic cheerleaders. 24 is a lot, but they are superior! Jessica is the queen of cheer.

I’m full off of all of the support in the stands today. Weeks ago I went to Booker T Washington for a game. My friend Brelinda had that place rocking she inspired me. I felt the special feeling. I felt that same feeling today at the game. I saw many of my current and former parents and students.

I’m full because our band rocked the house today! Those kids sound amazing! GREAT Job Misty and Nathan.

I’m full because my amazing wife Anita brought Cass and Aniya to the game. They Love my school! My wife cheered for the team right there with the rest of us.

Last but not least... My Girls!

CHS is a first class program! Those girls played with discipline and heart. We left it all on the floor.

It’s a joy to serve as principal of CHS!


So much more I want to say... So much more I won’t say... and So much more I could say...

But what I will say...

Childersburg Was Lit The Entire Game! 💯 🔥

Lead with Love

February 11, 2020

I went to our basketball game tonight with the intention of supporting my basketball team... what I didn't expect was to be encountered with an educational revival. I met Mrs. Brelinda Sullen the previous day when she came to Childersburg for the girls' game. We spoke and she was special. There was something about her that reminded me of myself. She was extremely genuine, and she supported her students.

I walked into Booker T Washington and almost cried. I felt the love and energy from the moment I walked in. It felt like home. The entire vibe was electrifying. I found myself cheering for both teams several times during the game. Mrs. Sullen came and found me and invited me to the hospitality room. She even had pizzas and drinks for our players. My heart leaped with joy. Unfortunately in education there is a lot of jealousy. Many school leaders are so busy promoting themselves that they don't try to help their fellow educators in meeting the needs of students. That is definitely not the case with Mrs. Sullen.

On the way home, I shed tears of joy. My soul had been awakened. I thought to myself... am I doing enough? Can my parents and students see the same passion from me that I saw from Mrs. Sullen? I pondered all of these things overnight. I did come to a conclusion, leadership is different for different people. We are both doing what's best for our kids. Providing support for our students is the number one priority... For schools that truly care.

I put in a call to the superintendent of Macon County Schools Dr. Brooks to tell her how impressed I was with what I saw. She told me that she absolutely loves and honors that work of Mrs. Sullen. Don't get it twisted, Dr. Brooks is an educational giant herself. I've followed her work for a few years. Definitely a leader to learn from.

There's a documentary about Mrs. Sullen. I hope to see it in person soon.

Love you Mrs. Sullen! You reminded me of my mission!

January Hiatus

Took a much needed break off of Facebook to; work on myself, pour more into my family, focus on my school, get closer to God, and realign my purpose with my vision. I’m back better than before!

2020 is our year!


Paul's Chemo

December 30, 2019

I had the esteemed honor to go with my brother Paul to chemo and his doctor's appointments on today. Let's just say... Life is Back in Perspective. Seeing him navigate through this world has shown me that he is not a little boy anymore. My little brother is a grown man...

As we went to get his bloodwork done, he was smooth sailing. We of course had a perfect example, as my mother went through this same form of treatment... The phlebotomist asked him the normal questions to verify his identity and then we were off to the races. He had his blood drawn without even flinching... Better than me I tell ya. We went back to the lobby just to be called back within 2 minutes. Best time in a Dr. office I can ever remember. Within 10 minutes we were in a conversation with Dr. Dang and he was telling us his findings.

He told my brother, "You are responding very well to the treatment. The knots are shrinking. After your PET scan, we may take you off of one of the medications." I was so relieved to hear those words. My brother smiled... The first real smile that I have seen in a while from him. Another really cool thing about CCI at Crestwood was the visible indicators that they believe in God. Faith was EVERYWHERE!

We stopped by Chick Fil A for a little bite to eat... I mean, who doesn't love Chick Fil A. We arrived to the Blackwell Tower for his treatment. I let him out so that I could park the car. I was met by an elderly couple that was having trouble at the elevator. I decided to help them down the stairs and get to their location. They were so sweet and so loving. Once I found my way to the office where his treatments were housed, I was not prepared for what came next.

The very sweet and loving receptionist (real talk, she was so sweet!) told me he was in Chair 8. I turned the corner and saw my brother in Chair 8 and I about lost it. So many feelings ran through my head again... WHY? Why him? Why do we do this again? Then I remembered... He's beating this thing, and God has the final say about everything. They started his port and he did his mouth the same way Mom did hers... Treatment has started and we sit and wait... We wait with the masses of others who are going through this terrible thing called cancer. However, we are NOT hopeless. We know that he will receive healing!

UPDATE- Treatment is over and we got a chance to spend some good time talking. I was able to see my other brothers when I took him home. Though he was weak, didn't feel good, and was overcome with feelings of nausea, my brother was a strong as our Mom taught us to be while she was going through her battle with cancer. We have planned a trip to go on to celebrate when he finishes chemo!!!

I had to get my thoughts out! Thanks for sharing this journey of life with me.

Get the Help you need.

December 29, 2019

Life is Life... There's no shortcuts, no answer keys, other than the bible, and no way to predict what will happen. One thing for sure is that you must stay prayed up REGARDLESS to make it through. My momma charged me with taking care and watching after my brothers. She always saw us as her little boys. I guess what we didn't account for was what happens when the Boys become Men. With adulting comes the opportunity to make decisions. Some decisions are better than others.

Before I continue, if you are here to offer judgement or gossip leave now... Nope, I change my mind... keep reading. My brother made a bad decision. A decision that was definitely inspired by some others that did NOT have his best interest at heart. My brother became addicted to drugs. It's a problem that invades millions of families. Not talking about it doesn't make it go away. His life began to spiral out of control. It spiraled so bad that several visits to the hospital were made, and ultimately a near death overdose episode that led to a change being necessary. Thankfully, his church family decided to take a stand and help get him on the road to recovery. I am eternally grateful.

My brother was surrounded by Christians that cared and did something to help him... Not gossip and get on facebook and talk about what he needs to do while their own family members just haven't got caught yet... (Get back focused... ) His church showed him the love that Christ has for us all without the lense of judgement. He is now at the Foundry ministries in Bessemer Alabama. He will be able to receive the rehabilitation services he needs while also getting off ill prescribed medication and encounter Jesus Christ.

Although I wish his path to get this help was different, but I am glad that he's getting what he needs. I got to visit with him. He looks, sounds, and is better all around. I'd rather be a part of planning a turnaround instead of a funeral.

Christmas at Highlands

December 23, 2019

Christmas at Highlands was amazing. A life changing experience for sure. I've dreamed of being where I am for years. Thankful to God for the opportunity to serve!

See you later...

November 9, 2019

Tikerah Davis, or Tikey as we all called her, was a GREAT student, and EVEN BETTER Friend to her classmates. Tikerah was very good at whatever she did. She did not stop until she gave it her all. I met Tikey when I came to TCCHS as band director back in 2006. She was an 8th grader. Over the course of the years, she was involved in EVERYTHING. She was an all around good person. She wanted so bad to be a member of the TCCHS Danceline. Her senior year, her dream came true. Tikerah worked extremely hard as a member of the TCCHS band. She took pride in her role as a Danceline member. She always had a smile on her face.

Tikey was also very creative. She dreamed about fashion. Before she even got on danceline, she use to sketch uniforms. She even made her prom dress. Her creativity was amazing. Thinking back on my memories as band director, and realized that she was in many of my memories as a teacher. Tikerah leaves behind 2 children. Two children that I pray will carry on her legacy in love.

I have been asked by the family to say a few words at her service. Honestly, I am honored, humbled, and nervous all at the same time. What do I say? How do I say it? There are so many things I want to say... I worked on the speech for a few days, and decided last night, after going in the basement to have another moment to gather my thoughts, that I would not plan anymore. I will simply say what is on my heart at that moment in time. I know Tikey would understand.

Rest Well!!!

Get Ready

November 6, 2019

What started off as a selfie ended up being a message to myself...

“Ya future is bright son!!!”

Stay Focused, Stay Humble, Stay Hungry, and Let God do what He does!

Update: One day later I received a message about meeting with 3 VERY influential people that can help me tell my story.

AEA Minority Leadership Training 2019

November 1-3, 2019

I had the honor of representing Talladega County Education Association at the Alabama Education Association conference in Gulf Shores. It was amazing to connect with so many educators that are all making strides in their respective schools. I was able to even share some things we are doing at CHS. Several great connections were made. Super excited about what is to come.

Dr. Anita Lee

November 1, 2019

The secret is out!!! Head over to to see how my wife, the other Dr Lee, can help you reach your goals!

#goals #health #wellness #kingdombuilding


October 11, 2019

I was a guest panelist with Google for Education today. I was featured on the Edu OnAir webinar regarding professional development for school transformation. I sat on this panel with two other educators from different states. I was extremely blessed with this opportunity. I was the only person on the webinar that has a doctoral degree. Totally not bragging about having my doctoral degree, but it is a big deal.

I was able to share the awesome and amazing things that we are accomplishing within my district and my school. I even talked about the impactful relationships that have been formed due to the coaching model practices as supported through the Dynamic Learning Project.

This is the first time that I have been on a national webinar. Just last week I proclaimed that I would be on a national stage, and then this happened. I am so excited about my future.

Princess Aniya turns 4

October 7, 2019

The youngest princess of the Lee Dynasty turns 4 today. We are so fortunate and blessed to have her as our daughter. Aniya is a ray of sunshine to all that she meets. She never meets a stranger and continues to spread joy to everyone she encounters. Aniya is wise beyond her years. She's an awesome worship leader and fantastic dancer. I love you Aniya and pray that you continue to live your life like the princess you are.

And yes, she had a Birthday party dress.

Homecoming 2019


Anyone that knows me, knows that I live for Homecoming Week. It is always so much fun to dress up with the kids for each of the Homecoming Days. I listed the days below. It's always fun to dress up with my Assistant Principal. She's just as engaged with students as I am. I can't wait for next year's days!

Dress like the 2000's- 2010's

Senior Citizen's Day

Meme Day - The chicken sandwich debate

Dress as your future career. I want to be a college president.

Not too much has changed

August 23, 2019

You can take the Band Director out of the Band, but you can't take the Band out of the Band Director. I had a great time playing with the CHS Marching Band tonight at the game.

Kiesha goes to College

August 10, 2019

Kiesha is officially a college student. This is a day that we have talked about forever... It happened. That small girl that only ate Chicken nuggets in now in college. She attends Highlands College in Birmingham AL. She is studying to work in Ministry. We are super proud of al lthat you have done and will do Kiesha.

Starting Year 6 as a Principal

August 8, 2019

It is absolutely mind blowing to me to sit back and reflect that I am starting my 6th year as a Principal. I have a total of 8 years under my build in administration. That includes the 2 years I served at Childersburg Middle School.

TC Temptations

August 7, 2019

Dr. Lacey had a big task for Dr. Thomas to fill this year. She wanted the TC Temptations to perform. I was contacted a few days before the performance about joining. OF COURSE I WILL. Everyone knows I love to sing and dance. Performing with this group of black males in the field of education was phenomenal.

Coach Michael Hale- Teacher/Coach BB Comer, Mr. Avery Embry- Chief Financial Officer Talladega County Schools, Dr. Jimmy Thomas- Principal Genesis Alternative School, Mr. Ryan Elston- Teacher Stemley Road Elementary, and myself Dr. Quentin Lee- Principal Childersburg High School.

Cool Teacher's Club

July 5, 2019

Got invited to hang out with two of my former kids and their wives and children. My heart leaps with joy seeing them as leaders of their own families. We shared stories, laughs, and visions for the future. Building relationships with students is vital!

Mone and Brantavious I am proud of you both!

#HailTCC #OnceATiger... #prezeldramaclub

#coolteacherclub — with Mone Jones.


Check Out my Keynote on Relationships.

Chicago IL

August 4, 2019


OVA Silent Reflections

Feedback is essential to development. As the pastor said this past Sunday... Encouragement feels good, but constructive feedback makes you grow. I came into this process with the mind that I was a pretty good public speaker and could construct a speech in my sleep. Given the magnitude of this event, I am reminded that intentional processes to create a masterpiece require a great deal of time, patience, and focus.

I received critical feedback that definitely helped me improve. Being that sometimes, we all have that someone who is a "yes" man and agree with everything. It was actually refreshing to have someone offer their unbiased unrestrained feedback to help improve my craft.

Mi Amigos

July 7, 2019

This marks the 12th year of our Guy Trips. We take a trip every year to reconnect as brothers. Justin, Ant, and I all met at AAMU. We were all in the band together. The story is very strange because at first... I didn't like either one of these two. Over the course of the years at AAMU, they became more than friends, we all became brothers. There's thousands of stories that can be told of our friendship. Through our interactions on campus, our brotherhood has been extended to include several other brothers. They couldn't make the trip this year, but it is totally on for next year. This trip was just what I needed... laughs, tears, fun, and many conversations. So thankful for these guys.


Cass turns 6

Happy Birthday to my Big Man Cass. Today this handsome young man turns 6 years old. I am constantly in awe of how much we are alike. He’s the most genuine, silly, and compassionate if I’ve ever encountered. Talking about a prayer warrior! He even has his own church upstairs in our house. I take pride in being his father. Continue to make us proud Cass Lee! You are anointed to make a difference and your parents are your number one fans and supporters.


Summer Vacation

My wife and I got an opportunity to go to Mexico for our Pre Anniversary trip. Given my position in administration, we have to take our trip during the summer instead of when school starts. It makes a very hectic start of school as a principal having to miss days starting off. For her birthday, I surprised my wife with an all inclusive trip to the Oceans Coral and Turquesa Resort in Porte Morales Mexico. It was amazing, and just the trip we needed to reconnect as a unit. I strongly urge any and everyone to travel as much as you can. It's as essential as therapy.


Aniya and the Beast

Aniya had her very first dance recital. We are super proud of this spunky child of mine. She was so excited to do her dance with her other classmates. The theme of the recital was Beauty and the Beast. It was a full production of the story. Costumes were on point, and the dancing was impeccable. The dance company spent a lot of time and resources on making sure this presentation was first class. However, they forgot to practice with the beast.

When Aniya's group went out she was the last one. Not because that is how it was suppose to go in the order, it was because she saw the character of the Beast and became frightened. She pulled her hair and cried something terrible. She cried so much that she had to be carried out to the stage by the character of Belle. We were like... only Aniya. Once she finally arrived to the stage she took just a few moments to gather herself and begin her dance. Once she began dancing, the beautiful smile emerged and she gracefully executed her performance with excellence. We were so proud.


Miracles Signs and Wonders

The guy in this photo is Mr. Jonathan Macon. We met back at Alabama A&M University. He was a very good sousaphone player that was full of spunk and pride. He was from Birmingham, and back in those days, it seemed that B'ham thought they ran the band. Moving forward we became brothers through B Phi B, Sousaphone Section of the Marching Maroon and White Band. He eventually became section leader, and I was not the best section member... (I was a bit immature). I gave every section leader problems. (it was fun)

Earlier in this year, we received messages that he was missing and to pray for him to return. I was shocked. He was never the type person that would be involved in any kind of scandal like that. He was a good genuine dude. A day after the "amber" alert was released, his location was found. He had a car accident. (see to the left) The car accident left him in a very bad state. So bad that his chance of living had reached 1%. Now just look at him.

His mother posted this on Social Media:

"To God be the glory after being in UAB Bham hospital and the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Ga for about two months look at God. Having been told he had 1% chance to live, in a coma, on the ventilator, pneumonia, feeding tube, a Trach, brain injury, pressure and temperature out of control. Look đź‘€ at Jonathan now walking, talking, eating all by himself has no wheelchair, no cane, no assistance needed."

This is a miracle. So glad to see that he is going to make a full recovery.


Transparent Post: Started From The Bottom Now We Here!!!

The picture on the left (taken one day after receiving full custody) is of a little girl who loved her daddy. But her daddy was struggling with confidence self-esteem and not really knowing how to be a full-time father. (2009) The picture you see on the right is of three children who love their dad and their mom. Now you see a father who is confident, a provider for his family, loves God with his whole heart, loves his family and wants nothing but the best for each of them. (2019)

Moral of the story... God will take the very thing that troubles you the most to make it your testimony to bring him glory. I could not have any of this without him. Though my doctorate is a nice accomplishment, my biggest accomplishment is being a father for my family.

I know I’m super emotional, but if you only knew how God has worked in my favor.


Should Everyone Get A Trophy?

This is a topic that many people argue each and every day. I, as an educator of 14 years, totally understand it. But have we thought the measure of how we judge who should or should not receive recognition for what they have done. I understand there are winners and there are losers, but we should have an embedded urgency to do what is right for people. For example, my son Cass played up this year in T Ball with 6 year olds. He played WeeBall last year with another organization and he was what we believed #exceptional. Upon him playing this year, we realized that he was no longer the lil stand out that we field every ball. Cass struggled for the first part of the season. He was unable to catch, and could barely hit the ball that was thrown by the coach. As a parent, it is hard to see your child struggle, but we wanted to make sure he was learning. My wife spent countless hours with him on catching and hitting. I spent time with him as well. He did not like my bootcamp. It left him with a black eye... (I'm not that good at baseball either)

However, Cass persevered. He took ownership of his learning and improved dramatically. He began catching the ball better, and even hit the ball every time he went up to bat. He was proud of himself, and we were too. In the end, Cass did not make all stars, and we were not expecting him to make it. He has already talked about playing for next year. The picture is of Cass after he got his trophy from his Coach. The look on his face explains it all. This trophy sits beside his bed nightly. Was Cass the best player? No. Was Cass the best player he could be? Yes. I believe that he should have gotten his trophy because of what he endured throughout the season. It took a lot for him to make it to that level.

In closing, there will be times that everyone should "not" get a trophy, but for Tee Ball... the society got it right. Reward those kids for the work that they put in to provide entertainment for us adults.


Our Voice Academy

So thankful for the invitation to participate in the Our Voice Academy this summer. I have been praying for this to happen. This program is sponsored through Ed Tech Team. OVA is a exceptional league of minority educators throughout the USA. I can’t wait. Doors are opening even when it seems as if the doors are locked!

#edtechteam #OVAcademy


The Lee Men

My mother had 6 boys. We were and have always been known as Edna Ruth's Boys. It's a title that I take GREAT pride in. Due to Nick living in Colorado, we don't have the opportunity to all be together as much. In the last 10 years, we have all only been together for Momma's death, my graduation, and a Fine Night of Huddle House.

We met up at my Aunt Rhonda's house before we headed out. Being in Scottsboro our eating options were limited, and my brothers are my mother's children so they were late. with only about 23 minutes until 9 we had to make a decision. NO one really cared where we ate, we just wanted to be together. My brother threw out the place Captain D's... I immediately began a boycott. I did not drive 2 hours for a 2 piece fish and fry. Ironically, in the next breath Huddle House was mentioned and I jumped for joy.

As soon as we arrived to Huddle House we sat down at the table. Within 20 seconds the jokes began immediately. What we enjoyed was a night of brothers loving on each other. My older brother Nick has always been my hero. He is not very emotional at all, and is still the protector of all of the Lee Boys. Nick told us he loved us without any prompting. It was the most genuine and loving thing that he has ever done. His words touched my heart, because I echoed his same sentiments.

Time went on as we talked about the good ole days. Of course our mom Edna Stone was mentioned time and time again. Every good memory had her in it some way... Even some of the bad ones. There was not arguing, even after bringing up times when we all had fights. We were doing as our mother and God commanded us to do. We were loving one another.

There was a scandal with me trying to use my card to pay for the meal... Technology... but Shingin stepped up like a real man and covered all of our meals. I will repay him someway, somehow. We took our brotherhood show on the road to Walmart. We walked up and down the aisles laughing non stop and having side conversations with each other. I was so disappointed when the night had to end. Inside I wanted to cry from anger and also from being overwhelmed with love.

I know my mother was extremely happy in what we did. Little did I know a report of High Blood Pressure and an unknown Dr. office visit would afford me the opportunity to visit my brothers and feel the presence of my mother. Till next time brother continue to carry on the legacy of the great Edna R. Stone. We may not have a lot of money, or cars, clothes, and fame... but what we do have is a bond that can't be broken, explained, or denied.

I love my brothers.


Baby Girl is 18

I don't know how it happened.... but Kiesha is 18. This is a day that I didn't think would come so soon. I am so amazed by her tenacity as a young teenager. My wife and I are extremely tough on her. I don't apologize for it. I hope that she understands and will continue to put forth great effort to make sure she is progressing in life.

She had a great time celebrating. We allowed her to drive to Birmingham (by herself with friends) That is so uncharacteristic of my wife and I. She did wonderful. She even made curfew.

We are so excited about her future. Happy Birthday Beautiful



CHS Prom was nothing short of AMAZING. All of my kiddos looked like a million bucks. They were extremely well behaved and very appreciative for the time and effort put in to prom. This year Mr. Cordara Taylor of CTaylormade Events provided the decor, DJ Jamar from 95.7 Jamz provided the music, and Charcoal and Chocolate from Sylacauga AL provided the food.

It was an amazing night that I got to spend with my lovely wife and my amazing daughter. We had a blast. Even though I did get some flack for dressing like the students... (I Digress) I had a great time. I even really liked my outfit.

So thankful that my students at school know how to party and have a great time without putting their lives in jeopardy.



I tried to elude to it a little bit yesterday, but I got baptized...again.

I was first baptized as a child with little to no full explanation of all that it meant. Years and years flew by and I always just relied on the fact that a childhood experience certified me.

Fast forward to now...

I was thinking about being baptized and never said a word to anyone. My wife and I were approached with a leadership opportunity with our church and it was instantly confirmed for me. I needed to rededicate my life and get baptized with access to all of God’s benefits. I feel amazing! Something happened within those few seconds that I can’t explain. Well I can explain it... I felt the presence of God.

I’m more focused to make a difference in all things!!!!

Momma my soul got another dip!!!


A Change

This is a very BITTERSWEET weekend. On tomorrow (spoiler alert) I will do something for myself. I originally did this "thing" when I was around 7 years old. I was, for lack of better english language, coerced into doing this thing. I really didn't have a true understanding on the act, but I knew that my Granny and my Mommy said I better do it.

I know fully know the extent of the act and I am making a decision to do it on my own. After 20+ years of living and doing life, I have decided to redo this "thing." It's bittersweet because normally when these type of things happen, my Mom, or my Aunt would come and support. My Aunt can't make it and my Mom is in Heaven.

I will finish this blog tomorrow when I can freely speak upon my experience.


Words Have Meaning

This email is probably one of the most influential emails that I have read in a few weeks. This email is from a student that has by far been my challenge this year as a mentor and as a principal. Most of the interactions with this student have been EXTREMELY negative. If I'm totally honest, I believe it is because we are a similar in some areas. At his age, I too was very opinionated, sarcastic, silly, and enjoyed every opportunity to be less than productive.

I must say that this student has really changed here lately. He has matured! Our conversations are turning positive. He even gave me the 100 emoji. That takes time to do on a Chromebook!!! Or maybe he responded on his phone... (wait a minute...) Nonetheless, his email has restored my hope in humanity and the art of mentorship. I have said it many times before... RELATIONSHIPS move schools!


Social Media

Social Media...(insert huge question mark)! Social Media can be used positively as well as negatively. Let's break down the words... Social Media. Social, meaning something relating to society or its organization, and media being the main means of mass communication. Collectively the term social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. However the perception that we as a human race have on Social Media is very interesting. Today alone I have seen two different occasions where Social Media has been very negative, but with a few tweaks could have been extremely positive, helpful, and may have even saved a life. (WARNING- REAL CONVERSATIONS BELOW)

I was sent a video this morning on Facebook. The video depicted two students on a school bus in which appeared to be a bullying situation. The video was alarming to say the least. I was very disturbed because of various reasons. The video claimed bullying was happening and implied that the school did "nothing" to help the student. I was also disturbed that the first time I heard about it was through a tagged video on Facebook. Facebook is good and all, but not the place to handle serious sensitive issues. I was also appalled at the large number of people who shared the post. The post needed attention from people that actually have the power to do something about it, not people just sharing to get likes. What we share, we ultimately condone. Nonetheless, it was discovered that the video itself was approximately 3 months old and that the school has already dealt with the situation effectively. Not sure of what prompted the energy to respond, but glad that it has been rectified and that a solution was provided without any explanation. (Still trying to figure it out)

The next case is of the young man that was mentioned in news today. A 23 year old young man committed suicide after shooting his child's grandfather and killing his own child by shooting them in the head. This act is senseless and terrible to be blunt and honest. Children shouldn't die at the hands of their parents. The more disturbing thing is that the young man posted on Facebook around 1pm "THIS WILL BE THE LAST DAY THAT I LIVE I LOVE EVERYONE THAT WAS IN MY LIFE." As of 9:20pm 3/31/19 that post has 336 reactions, 257 comments, and 335 shares. Once that was posted, the thing to do would have been to reach out to him. There were some other posts that he posted very similar but not as graphic and direct as the post he posted just hours before taking his own life and the life of his child.

I'm not here to pass judgement on the young man, there's a God that will do that. I do know that I don't agree with the decision the man made regarding his or his child's life. Based upon everything I have read, I do know that mental health does play a huge part in this case. Back to the social media concern. Why would 335 people think it would be appropriate to share a post about a man and his desire to end his life. Some of the comments have made me question my belief in humanity. Death is nothing to joke about. It's a life event that oftentimes takes the very life away from those affected. Some of the reposts and shares are from people just trying to get more "likes" at the expense of a tragedy.

Be mindful of how we use Social Media.


Pictures from the Aquarium Visit

We had a GREAT time. Take a look. Blog to come later.


Do What You Are Designed To Do

My family has been in Texas this week on Spring Break. It has been a GREAT time of refreshing along with making memories that will last forever. Another huge thing that has happened on this trip is my love for writing blogs has come back. This is my 10th blog entry this week. It is amazing. I plan to do at least 3 more before the weekend. I know it's a lot... my wife already corrected me and told me to hold on to some of them. However, I am truly enjoying being able to feel the keyboard under my fingers, and allow my mind to just flow.

I am once again in my favorite spot this whole trip. On the back deck of the boat house looking at the lake. The other morning the lake was very peaceful, today... not so much. The waves are crashing against each other creating the most beautiful waves that are topped with just a small amount of white foam. The sound is extremely relaxing as it has not rhythmic pattern or time. The deck is wet from the force of the waves as they crash into the stilts that hold this formation above water.

The water, in this situation, has no other job but to obey the movement of creation. There is nothing I can do to stop the water from the intensity of the waves. Honestly, there's nothing I could do, or nothing I would do. The water is operating as it has been designed to do. The water in this lake is also home to the many fish in the lake. Well... it may not be that many fish in the lake. We have tried catching fish all week and only caught about 6. In closing, the water is doing what it is designed to do... are you doing what you were designed to do? When we find our true calling, we are able to function effortlessly in the spirit of excellence.


The Power of Believing in Yourself

This Blog is Not Sponsored by Quentin Carter... it is however inspired by him. Quen and I have been friends since sometime back in 1999. If you went to Alabama A&M University anytime between 1999 and 2004 you definitely knew Quentin Carter. He was a people person. He never met a stranger, and made each person he knew feel as if they were truly special. It's a trait that he still carries today. Quen has been extremely successful as a businessman, son, friend, fraternity brother, visionary, and as of here recently realtor.

I dare not tell his story. He has a "sho nuff" testimony that he will release. HOPEFULLY IN A BOOK. But just know that Quen made a huge leap of faith, and God did just what he always does... he provided. I'm so proud of my friend. He took a two week course for real estate and passed the first time. That in itself is something to celebrate. He also listed his first property and had an offer within 24 hours. Again something to celebrate.

His brand is #BetterLiving. He does it all; clothing, hair, travel, event planning, financial literacy, and now real estate. I can remember #BetterLiving in its infancy state. He spent tireless hours creating not just a hash tag, but a way of life. Now I honestly believe that BetterLiving has met its purpose through real estate. Quen is so passionate about everything he does, but this Real Estate company is truly his joy.

Through his story I am reminded to DREAM and to NOT let go of a DREAM. No Matter how much it may cost, your dreams are priceless. Pursue your dreams with excellence. We all have two options... we can talk about it or be about it. Quen your example of being about it has ignited a stronger desire to accomplish goals in your circle of friends. We Salute and Celebrate YOU my friend.


Bruce is on the Way

I don't do well with goodbyes. They are really hard for me to process. Not sure exactly why, but it is what it is. This goodbye is more of a see ya later. Mrs. Brittanni Brown (don't spell her name wrong) is my Assistant Principal. We met a few years back, and she actually interviewed for another position I had open 4 years ago right after Baylee (her daughter) was born. Things didn't work out and I didn't give it another thought. Then in July of 2017, I got a phone call about moving schools. I instantly asked who the Assistant Principal was, and it was Brittanni Brown. Let's just say the rest is history. From day one of our conversation she was a powerhouse. I found someone who had the same drive as I did for education. I got the job at Childersburg 14 days before school opened. Somebody (not mentioning any names) decided to come up with a cool triangle pattern for the staircase. I gave her the go ahead and she went to the school on a Sunday and painted the staircase by herself. I loved it so much, we painted the entire school. We stayed there one night until 3:05am henceforth the name of the murals. She was and is a hard worker.

We really connected during Homecoming. If you know me, you know that I go all out during homecoming week. Let's just say she was right there with me. Our Principal pairing is absolutely phenomenal. We balance each other out. She's also a pretty good email checker... (I'm still fasting about my emails). As you can tell by the pictures, we have a good time. We also work really well with holding each other accountable. I believe our school will attest to the partnership that we have. The kids love it too.

I've also become a part of the Brown family. Brandon, her husband, was VERY quiet at first. It didn't take me long to realize that he is a super silly guy that cracks jokes 98% percent of the time. I can't forget my lil partner Baylee. When I first met Baylee she called me "Mr. Leaf", I have now upgraded to Dr. Lee. She's a super smart young lady with a heart of gold. Brittanni told me that she was expecting Bruce mid last year. I was so happy for them. I know that he will complement this already dynamic family. I can't wait to see the amazing personality he will have. I will also try my best to teach him how to dougie at a young age.

Mrs. Brown I will miss you terribly. I have offered to babysit Bruce while you run the school. I mean, you could just bring him up there to the school. We could switch him out with teachers during their planning periods. Enjoy this time of transition with your family. Don't worry about us at the school, we will be fine.

Signed- Brantavius' favorite Uncle

More than a Bird-Liz Huntley


If you have not had the chance to read More Than A Bird by Liz Huntley, you are definitely missing out. More Than A Bird is a memoir of Liz Huntley's life. I will not give the book away, but I do want to express my personal takeaways. Mrs. Huntley is a dynamic lawyer (something I dreamed of being as a child) and she is a prolific advocate for early childhood education. Her advocacy comes from a place that provided her so much support as she was growing up. I would dare say that her life would have taken a different path without the strong influence of Education. Her book challenged me to think about my own experiences. I became extremely emotional during this book. She spoke about buying a bicycle with her first pay check from her job. I did the same exact thing. We had VERY similar stories growing up. Too similar in some instances. (book coming soon...)

In the book Mrs. Huntley talked about her Superwoman which was the first teacher she had in Elementary School. I reflected back to my own Superwoman. Mrs. Catherine Waggener my Kindergarten teacher. Of course, by her stunning looks you could not tell at all. Mrs. Waggener was so gentle, loving, educated, and kind. I remember Kindergarten being a place of safety. I did not want to take naps in Kindergarten, and often got in trouble for talking way too much. ( I can't be too mad at my son for doing some of the same things.) I found her on Facebook right after a video was posted of me at my school. She sent me a message and I was so glad to hear from her. It brought back so many memories.

I am a member of the Hope Institute, a character education program and product of Liz Huntley. She introduced us to her Superwoman, so I decided to reach out to mine. I invited her to come to my school for a visit. I wanted to show her the dynamic impact that she had on a very immature 4 year old in Kindergarten. To my surprise upon asking her, I found a message she sent to me on Facebook about 3 years ago then at that time. It was right when my mother passed away. I must have dismissed the message due to not knowing her new last name, and probably just thought it was one of momma's friends, but I read the letter. It was a very intimate message about my mother's strength and how proud she was extremely proud of me. All of the same feelings from Kindergarten came rushing right back in. It was also on a day that I REALLY needed some encouragement. She agreed instantly and I prepared for her visit. I ran around the school frantically making sure everything was in place. You probably would have thought the State Superintendent was coming the way I prepared. Mrs. Waggener had a chance to talk to my students and my teachers. They were all amazed. I will remember the feeling I had for the rest of my life.

In closing, thank you Mrs. Liz Huntley for being very vulnerable in sharing the experiences that made you into the person you are today. I am very motivated to write my own memoir. I don't know exactly when, but I am even more motivated to be consistent with my blogs. Also thanks Mrs. Waggener, for allowing a very opinionated and sometimes bossy 4 year an opportunity at education. Your care helped promote the atmosphere that is on my campus each and every day.

You can purchase More Than A Bird HERE.


Principals Can Have Fun Too

If you are following me on Twitter then you would know that my friend Judson Warlick and I are having some "beef" with our schools. Our History departments, led by the greatest History teachers in Alabama, have decided to challenge each other to a Rocket Challenge to coincide with The Cold War. It's a fun competition that has really ignited both schools and history departments. It has been fun to have some HEALTHY competition in a Friendly environment. The event will take place on April 5th. I will post more as it comes along.

For the Record: Judson Warlick and I are REALLY Great friends. He is one of my favorite principal buddies. Even though in this photo, I am giving him the business in basketball... LOL

Down With Comer!

Check out some of our Twitter beef below

Judson Warlick's First Shot Comer Call Out

My Reply Mic Drop from Dr. Lee

Judson Warlick's Second Shot Comer Response

My Response Comer Diss Track


Rest In Peace Uncle

My Uncle Mr. Calvin E. Evans passed away on February 14, 2019. I will miss my uncle terribly, however I must be honest about his life in my opinion. My uncle spent a great amount of time incarcerated. It's nothing that I am proud of, and also something that I am not ashamed of. He was human, and he made a very bad mistake. I have no Heaven nor Hell to put him in. He was still family and loved by his family.

I was actually in Huntsville on the day of his passing for a recruiting opportunity at Alabama A&M University. I was able to see him be placed in Hospice the night before his passing. Had I not been in Huntsville, my aunt (who is basically my mother) would have been alone and forced to face this grief alone. We went to his room and visited him one last time before he passed. I prayed with him and asked God to forgive his sins. His mind was pretty much gone by this time, and he was struggling terribly to breathe. We joined hands and prayed. As soon as the prayer was over, I saw his eyes roll in the back of his head. In my mind, that was his way of saying goodbye.

We had a very nice homegoing service for my uncle on that Sunday. My wife, daughter, and cousin created a choir for the music. It was an amazing time of worship not just for the family, but for those in attendance as well. Despite the confusion over who would pay for the musicians... it was a great time of celebration of his life and the spirit of Christ. I will not address the musician issue as I have grown as a Christian and you can't put a price on the presence of God.

Rest on Uncle. I pray your eyes opened in Heaven to see Granny and Momma.


Fishing... A Lesson On Patience

As I am sitting here on the deck of the boat house with my Father we are actively engaged in the sport of fishing... however the fish are not so active. We have been at it since before breakfast and we are still fishing. My father is an active fisherman and will fish at EVERY opportunity. One thing that I noticed is that fishing requires a GREAT deal of patience. So far on this trip we have caught 3 fish. Each time, the process remains the same. Bait the line, cast the line, wait on a bite, reel in the fish, and unhook the fish. The process starts all over again each time. Honestly, given our limited supply due to being on a vacation, this is the only process to catch a fish. The steps remain the same. Sometimes the fish will bite sooner than others, and sometimes it takes a long time. Patience is what determines the outcome.

As inpatient as I would love to be, nothing feels better than the feeling of a fish tugging against that fishing line. All of the patience, and time it took to get there becomes instantly worth it to experience the adrenaline behind the catching of a fish. In order to catch that fish you have to be prepared.

I quickly equated the fishing experience to my professional career. I have been patient and preparing myself for years. Paper after paper, conversation after conversation, conference after conference, book after book, and heartache after heartache, I have poured myself into the wonderful world of education. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is about to be my winning season. I like the fishermen, believe that my next opportunity is about to bite on the line. I have to be in position to reel in the opportunity to make it prosperous for my life. I am ready. Are you ready? Follow the process and watch everything come together for your good. Just like the rainbow in this picture, a promise of a better day is on the horizon.



Time... The one thing that we really can't pay any amount of money to have. In our society, we have this preconceived notion that we can pay for time. For example, we are here in Azle Texas for a family trip. We were looking for a race car track place for the kids to play. One place was charging $22 for one race. That race would have been 14 laps around an indoor track. Now, if it were an adult thing, it would be no problem, but with several small kids, that is a lot of money. My mother, (wife's mom) created a game for the kids to play. The game only used plastic cups, water, and a little bit of mustard to make the water yellow. The kids played this game for about 45 minutes. Even my brother in law and I got in on the action. Instead of paying approximately $225 for about 15 minutes of fun for a family, we paid $0 and created memories that will last a lifetime.

In closing, spend your time wisely. Take extra deep breaths to experience life. Make opportunities to reflect and ultimately process internally often. As I am writing this blog I am sitting on a deck of a boat house with my father. (There will be a whole entry dedicated to my father in the days to come.) All I can say is that this is a time that I will cherish forever, and a time that God created just for me to experience.



Where has the time gone? My daughter attended her last Prom as a High School Senior. I remember the days that I would take her with me as I had to chaperone, and by being a single father, I did not have a baby sitter. My daughter has blossomed into a beautiful flower right in front of my eyes. She is so passionate about Christ and very sensitive. She loves her family with her whole heart, and she has a reverence for me as her father that is beyond belief. I remember as a small child, at the mention of my name she would instantly stop doing whatever she was doing that she wasn't supposed to do and cry. I would only have to speak her name and she would instantly discipline herself. Now, she didn't do all of that at that young age to be scared of me, she did it because she respected and honored me. Even as she does now as an almost 18 young lady.

My daughter "slayed" prom. She was fully dressed and displayed elegance as a true queen. She did not have a date this year, and I had more of a problem with that then she did. She knew that we have strict rules about who can take her out on dates, and she knew that she couldn't just bring any old joker in our house. Kiesha had the best time getting ready for prom. She picked her dress, her shoes, her purse, her nails, and basically everything. My wife did her make up, (gorgeous hun) and she looked like a natural beauty. Sometimes these girls look like amatuer clowns with the eyebrows and all. I am partial, but I believe that my daughter was the best dressed, most gorgeous, most confident, all around best girl at prom. This picture describes our relationship. Crazy thing is that we didn't know the photographer was even shooting the picture.

My daughter had an amazing time at prom. We are going to recreate a picture in just a few weeks of our first prom together.


The Abbotts Take Flight

The Wedding of Kellie Prather and Wibert Abbott was nothing short of AMAZING. This young adventurous couple are destined for great things. I first met Wilbert back in 1999 when I became a member of the Marching Maroon and White Band. There was something different about him that I really liked. He was, and still is, a man of few words but those words are hilarious. Wilbert played french horn and I played tuba. (Concert Season) His section sat in front of us during the Wind Symphony. As a very mature musician, we would mess with their section during breaks while the great Arthur B. Wesley was not looking. GREAT Times. Wilbert was line brothers with one of my best friends Justin for Kappa Kappa Psi (Honorary Band Fraternity). Wilbert was one of the guys that I definitely kept up with over the years.

The "Delegation" takes yearly trips together. We normally visit somewhere that has a beach. Miami has been our go to spot for years. It just so happened that Wilbert lived in Miami. He was a GREAT host. We even stayed at his house one time. The first year we went to Miami he became our elected tour guide and tried to provide us guidance. He actually had us walking about one mile in the wrong direction of the beach. We didn't care, it was Wilbert and we trusted and cherished our time with him. Over the years Wilbert has always been a great friend. I can always depend on him to watch my snaps and send me messages.

I met Kellie during our last Full Delegation trip to Miami. She came to our condo right before we departed for a night of fun. She joined right in with our brotherhood. She became a sister instantly in one night. Kellie attended Tuskegee University and definitely knew how we get down in the HBCU world. It's amazing to connect with people and develop a true friendship. I actually knew that night that she would be the one that Wilbert married. I just felt that vibe. She complimented my brother Wilbert very well. She was educated, poised, gorgeous, and knew how to have fun. It was apparent that she really loved Wilbert.

I received my invitation to be in their wedding shortly after the engagement was made public. I was very excited and honored. Based upon Kellie's impeccable taste and Wilbert's wallet, I knew it would be a wedding to be in. The whole weekend was phenomenal. The venue was amazing, the bride was flawless, the wedding attire was second to none, and the vibe of the whole evening exuded class. Three other of my best friends were also in the wedding. (Anthony, Justin, and Skinner) It gave us a time to check in with each other and have a mini reunion. My brothers are very special to me. It also gave my wife and I an opportunity to have a weekend getaway. We met another amazing couple and had a date night at Bowlero. Fun Fun Fun!!!

All in All. I wish the Abbotts a lifetime of success. I know that they will keep God first and everything else will fall into place. Love you guys!


Four Years Later

March 11, 2019 is a day that I will never forget. It is the day that I stood by my Mom's side as she took her last breath on this side of life. I am confident that she began breathing and smiling on the other side in Heaven. There's not a doubt in my mind. It's been four years, but the pain is still the same.

My mother's passing made me stronger. Each day that I look at her picture in my office knowing she is not here... is a constant reminder of how strong I've become. When it first happened mentally I was shocked. There was not preparation to get me ready for losing my mother. There are no real classes you can go to find out how to cope. I'm stronger because even as emotional as I am typing this post... I have not cried...

My mother's passing made me respect time more. If you knew my Mom, you knew that she was notoriously late. She did not mind being late. I can even remember her coming to my high school graduation late. My mother was a character. Through her passing, I value the time we have here on earth more. We have to maximize the time that we have left to share with others.

Last but not least, my mother's death taught me the meaning of friendship. My mother did not have an insurance policy. My friends really rallied together to help my brothers and I. Over $4,000 was given to my family to help cover the cost of her funeral. We did not know how we were going to cover it, and God definitely made a way. I am so thankful for a GREAT group of friends and associates.

Thanks Momma for all that you have done for me. I can never repay you for what you did, my only hope is to make you eternally proud.




Standing In Silence to Make A Loud Statement

As a Principal, I'm excited to help raise a generation of young people that STAND UP for what is right.

In observance of World Mental Health Day, several of the students from the Leadership Team decided to raise an awareness to stop bullying and suicide. Leadership Team members researched students that committed suicide due to bullying. Today, those students dressed in all black and have committed their day to silence to remember the lives of those lost and to make the campus aware of the impact of bullying and suicide.

"Standing in Silence to Make a Loud Statement"

Making a difference in the world starts at home, and our home is our school.


Talladega County Central High School Homecoming

I did not get a chance to attend TC's Homecoming this year, but by the looks of the pictures, it was AMAZING!!! As you know, I am the former principal of TC for three years before taking on Childersburg. I also was the former band director at TC for almost 7 years. To say I have history with TC would be an understatement. I served there so long, I feel like Alumni.

These photos are just a few from the Homecoming Tailgate. We started doing tailgating when I was principal. I always envisioned it looking exactly how it looks in these photos. TC has a rich heritage and a pride that will never be denied. I am so excited to see the continued growth on campus, and even more impressed with the OUTSTANDING support from the community. The Alumni donated over $16,000 to the school for homecoming. That amount alone was more than we had when I was principal. GREAT Job!!!

Listed below are some words I shared on Social Media after being tagged in a photo.

Long Honest Post (emotionally charged) (I didn't get to tag everyone... but you get the picture.) TCCHS is a GREAT institution of learning... not only for the students but for the educators as well. I came to TC as a hot headed college kid from AAMU that was bound and determined to make a change in the world. TC taught me more than I will ever be able to repay.

I remember having days after school and Jacory Cross Anissa Watkins Jennifer Stockdale Jamal Garrett Russilyn Hardie, Martice Garrett (way too many others to name) all would stay after school for hours on in regardless if we had practice or not. I remember trying to get Robin Swain, Kiara Calhoun, Brantavia Garrett, (way too many others to name too) to march like the AAMU dance girls. I remember trying to get Shaq Turner, Tyler Armbrester, Tristian Garrett, Brandon Marquese Waites, Kris Bill, Keenon Calloway, Bria Tuck, Shaneek Miller, Kayla Maria Shepherd, Antonio Montrell Gooden, Courtney, and (Way too many others) to sound like the little HBCU that we were.

I came back to TC to take the helm as principal. The community was unsure at first, but began to believe in the vision to make the school live up to its original creed as defined by the Alma Mater. ( I still remember it). TC was in trouble academically, and I was honored to lead the mission to get it back on track. Within one year, we did what people considered to be impossible. We got off of the failing school list without additional funds, programs, or publicity. We WORKED HARD. We went from the bottom of most categories to the top 3. I loved working with some of the best educators Tim Gallahar, Deborah Gover, Sasha Garrett, Acardia Garrett, Chris Mahand, Yvonne Glenn, Iris Jemison, Sandra Turner-Tuck, Christy Smith, Sheryl Simmons Goodson, Robert Duncan, Kerwin Allen, and others I can't tag.

Homecoming is a special time. I hope that EVERYONE enjoys the spirit of TC's homecoming. It's a time to celebrate community! Celebrate the accomplishments of the school built on pride and love. Celebrate the donation by the Lawson's many years ago!!! Celebrate TC!!!


Practice What You Preach

While finishing up my Blog entry for 10/2 about not taking things personal, I was attacked. Not physically, but by the words of a student that I have had to discipline several times. He chose to write several offensive things about me on a sheet of paper, and passed it around to several students in the classroom. It's not new for students to write and talk about administration. Actually, that means I must be doing something right!

As an educator I have to constantly help students achieve. That is done through the process of education. If there are thing that the students do not understand, then I have to try and get them the information. It's all part of the process. With that being said, I have to address the blatant disrespect of dreaded (N Word) being used as an everyday word.

I remember my own experience with the racial slur from my high school days. In Coach Rhodes class there were only 6 good chairs. We would all race to class to get a good chair. On the day in question, I remember getting to class early to get a chair. I along with the other 5 students that got there early had a "good" chair. One of the students (for the sake of this story we shall call him Jeff) went to the bathroom, and when he got back another student (we shall call him Steve) took his chair. I remember hearing Jeff and Steve going back and forth about the chair. Steve told Jeff that I took his chair. This of course made Jeff mad because Steve and Jeff were white, and I was black.

Jeff walked up to me and said " Get out my chair (N word), I know you got it." I responded as best as I could as an immature sophomore in high school, "I don't have your chair." (For the sake of keeping me a positive figure, I may not recall all of my words correctly... {inserts smile}). I've always heard about my mom's and grandmother's perils with the racial term as they were affected directly. I didn't think I would have to deal with it as a high school student. Moving along, we ended up fighting in the bathroom that day. I came out on top through the fight, but was not allowed to try out for drum major that year. It hurt me more than him in the long run of things. I just couldn't imagine being called a name based upon the color of my skin.

Fast forward to looking at the image of how a student feels about me. I take it as a call for help. If this student only thinks about me as bald headed (bad words), then he must not understand who I am at all. I'm more than not having hair, and I am more than a racial slur used to degrade my ancestors. I take this "letter" as an opportunity to "do too much!" I've got to work even harder to make sure that my students see me more than what was written on that inappropriate piece of paper. I know that his views do not represent the other students that love having me as a principal, but I have to remember the teachings of the bible and leave the 99 to retrieve the 1.

As educators, we have to reach everyone! They may not accept our help, but we have to provide the help. It's our responsibility!!!


It's Not Personal... It's Personal

I know you are thinking this title doesn't make any sense... but hear me out. When disciplining children it is important to make connections. Keep in mind that I didn't say punishing... I said disciplining. There is definitely a difference. Discipline requires a relationship. Punishment is the absolute absence of relationship.

This week I intentionally worked on forgiveness as my main focus with students. I adopted two students at school as my personal projects. I was so happy to see the progress with the students... until Wednesday. There's something about Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in Education. Nonetheless, I felt we were making some Huge improvements. I spoke with each student individually and worked on creating a plan to help restore them back to good standings with their teachers. It was a big task, but I was and am definitely up for the challenge. One thing I always tell those I mentor is to ALWAYS tell me the truth. I don't care how bad it is, just tell me the absolute truth. Wednesday I did not hear the truth.

Being that I was basically lied to, I was furious. I was upset that these students would disrespect one of the main advocates they have on campus. I began feeling very sad and didn't understand why those feelings were occuring. Then it dawned on me. I was taking their offense personal. There was no reason for me to take it personal because the discipline they displayed was not towards me. Then it clicked. With students we can't take it personal, but we have to be personal.

Those two students don't need another speech or program, they need a real relationship with a person that will help them at all times. Listed are below are five tips I use when dealing with students to make sure they see it's not personal, but is all personal.

Tip 1- Remember kids will still be kids. They make mistakes. It's in their DNA.

Tip 2- Remember I was once a kid (hard headed at that). How would I have reacted back in the day?

Tip 3- No one cares what you know, until they know you care. Establish relationships early.

Tip 4- Every student deserves undivided attention while talking to educators. Listen to our kids. It doesn't cost a dime, only time.

Tip 5- The goal is to help the student succeed. Success doesn't end after one referral.


We Never Know- Mr. Anthony Hunter (1984-2018)

Today Mr. Anthony "Tony" Hunter was funeralized in Montgomery Alabama. I went to college with Tony at Alabama A&M University. Even though we were classmates at the same university, I didn't know him until years after through social media. I did remember seeing him as a football player and a member of Kappa Alpha Psi. Me being a member of Phi Beta Sigma, I didn't have too much to do with Kappas. Let's just face it... Sigma's are the BEST!!! Oddly enough several of my good friends are Kappas (Shout Out to Hop {Arthur Gooden}, Butta {Christopher Hutchinson}, Kelbo {Kelvin Wilson}, Jason Johnson, Michael Wiggins, and Harold Sullivan). Laugh People...

As I knew him on Facebook, Tony was a great guy. We conversed several times through Facebook Messenger about life, our profession of education, and the good ole days at Alabama A&M University. He and I were looking for him a job to get back closer to the south just about two years ago. He was really looking for a coaching job. I would have loved to worked with him. He was living in the D.C. area, up there with Justin and some other of my friends. We were last in D.C. for Kiesha's pageant and our schedules didn't allow us to physically meet, but we did catch up on the phone. He was a real cool guy. Very smooth and that man could dress his behind off.

News came of his death one day before my 37th birthday. I became very sad and extremely reflective. I wondered did I say all that I could say. Did I do enough... It has been a few weeks since we connected on Messenger so I felt bad that I hadn't connected with him. Life makes us question ourselves. I was also very disturbed to hear that he passed due to a heart attack. Given that my profession is EXTREMELY stressful, I understand that strokes and heart attacks occur often within our stressed population. I began to consider my own health. (I've got to get saved from Caramel Frappes). My schedule has been so hectic lately that I have not been able to work out as routinely as I have in previous months. Needless to say, a change has occurred.

To put it in perspective, we never know when it is our time to answer that call. We have to decide how we will perceive the call. If we are strong in our faith and live a life of righteousness, then we will be excited about our transition, even though we will miss our family. If we are not so strong in our fatih, then our future will be uncertain and we will not be sure about what lies ahead. Regardless of how you feel, one day it is coming, unless the rapture comes first. Live your life according to how you want to spend eternity.

Continue to rest on in peace Tony. I pray blessings on your family, especially your mother, fiance and your daughter. You left a lasting impression on me friend. You left an impression on the entire Alabama A&M University family. Thank you for reaching out to me on social media so that I could join the ranks of those that knew you as the phenomenal friend you were. To the rest of us here, be ready...


Educational Peer Pressure

Educators... don't you hate when everyone else seems to know how to run your classroom better than you? People that have NEVER sat through one principles of education course, but know everything about "kids". Imagine how that feels on a administrator level. There are people that swear up and down they know how to run a school, but don't even know how to disaggregate data to determine deficit trends in student performance. ( I do have a doctorate...)

Administrators work tirelessly to protect the school culture daily. This task requires administrators to make decisions. Some decisions are yes, while others have to be no. No's are distasteful, but a part of life. Regardless of the decision, it has to be made and has to have buy-in. Sometimes getting that buy in is hard. There's a thing us humans have which is called "Feelings". One thing Pastor Chris taught me is that feelings are definitely real, but they are not always true.

As an Educator, if you make a decision and you believe it is the best decision... STICK TO IT! If you change once, you will always have to change. But before you make that decision, consider the following:

  • Does it Affect Students?
  • Analyze the Situation.
  • Is it Right or Wrong?
  • Is it something that I'm willing to support?

Regardless of what you decide... some people will never be satisfied. You can give a kid 5 bonus points, and the kid will complain about not receiving 10, just as well as telling a student "NO" when it's the only correct answer.

Educators keep fighting, and keep fighting hard. Your decisions are your decisions. If you make them with the correct intent, they should be the right decisions. If they aren't the right decisions, own up to your mistake and correct it. But if it is the Right unpopular decision, stick it out!!!

Stay Encouraged.


Chik Fil A is a Movement

Chik Fil A is a part of our American Culture just as much as Apple Pie. Who can deny the refreshing goodness of a Chik Fil A sandwich? Let's not forget the Polynesian sauce... YUM YUM. Tonight Chik Fil A did a fundraiser to help our band program. If you mentioned CHS Band 15% of your purchase would be donated to our band program. That is an AMAZING partnership. Even though we were there for a fundraiser, we all had family time together as a school.

It was amazing to see parents and students ALL eating together in harmony. Many band parents, who work extremely hard in the concession stand, were able to sit down comfortably and enjoy a meal while looking at their child interact with their peers. I was able to speak with parents, grandparents, and community members about the many positive things going on at our school. It was amazing.

The staff at Chik Fil A is ALWAYS on point. There was a woman that came to my table to refill my drink cup. She brought back a full cup of delightful liquid that tasted better since she fixed it with love. The thing that sets this establishment apart from other restaurants is the impeccable customer service. Imagine how classrooms would look if we all adopted the Chik Fil A attitude in our classrooms. This goes for both teachers and students. Chik Fil A workers take pride in their product and thier experience... shouldn't educators as well?

Thank You Chik Fil A Sylacauga for showing Childersburg High School Band some love. It gave us an opportunity to get outside of our school walls and show love at another location.

Polynesian Sauce is the BEST!!! Hands Down!!! Let's Argue


Gulf Coast Challenge Classic- HBCU Love

Some people don't understand the importance of HBCU's in our society. I am product of an HBCU. Alabama A&M University, the home of the Bulldogs from Normal's Hills provides a superior experience for all students in education. I received several scholarships when I graduated from high school, however AAMU gave me the most money, and was a childhood dream of mine.

I learned so many things at AAMU. I learned of course about my undergraduate studies, but I learned about myself as a person. I also gained a new family of fellow bulldogs that have impacted my life beyond compare. Alabama A&M University... Start Here Go Anywhere!!!

Pictured here you see so many successful examples of the power of HBCU's. Sidonia Myles, Justin Kennedy, Anthony Hunt, Kristen Campbell, Quentin Carter and myself are products of the legacy of William Hooper Council. In this picture you see an engineer, three educators, two business leaders, several advanced degrees, an outstanding alumni that holds a MBA, and two proud alumni that hold doctoral degrees. There are so many other pictures and stories that could be told. Not just limited to Alabama A&M University, but all HBCU's.

HBCU's are life giving institutions. We are a family. We support our university. Most importantly, We Support Each Other.


A Rapper is Born

As a Principal of a school that is 1:1 with technology, we monitor our student usage constantly. We have this computer management system that alerts us of inappropriate usage as well as dangerous situations that may harm students. I received a notification (2nd time actually) from a student that was using Google Docs to lay some tracks. Translations: He typed his rap in Google Docs. I am all for creativity, however profanity should be limited, well actually eliminated when it's associated with school. Apparently my student was auditioning for the Migos or either A$AP Rocky with his "ill" lyrics. See Below: Edited for the PG audience. I responded, see also below.

Moral of the story... How many principals drop a diss tape to students? It was all in fun. I'm pretty sure it was the most epic response ever.

Educators- step outside the box and relate to students. It will mean the world to them.

Student's Rap

My Response


Birthday Celebration

September 20th is definitely a holiday in my opinion. Why, you may ask... because it is my birthday. I may be a little biased, but I really think that a Legend was born on September 20th.

Late Disclaimer... This post is not educational... all reflective.

My birthday this year was the BEST birthday celebration that I have had in a long time. My wife and children surprised me the Saturday before with a full day of fun. My family bought me a new suit. I really needed one!! They also bought me 2 really cool bowties. (see pic above). We also went to K&J Pastries in Alabaster. If you have not visited them... PLEASE GO!!! They are amazing. I did not get diabetes, but it was VERY sweet, and good. When we arrived home, some of our most favorite people in the world were there... The Allens, and The Holloways. I have NEVER had a true surprise party. Moving on to the week... My AP Brittanni Brown spoiled me on Wednesday with Keto Donuts and lunch. It was amazing, then on my actual birthday Dr. Vicky Ozment provided cupcakes from Small Cakes. They were amazing. My family wasn't through with the surprises. My daughter made me a care package for my desk that included Keto Snickers, and my beloved Apple Juice. My two smaller babies brought me two bags filled with other gifts. My amazing wife had Shari's Berries sent to my office. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

My school kids "thrashed" my office with balled up notes of love and appreciation... However my janitors are so efficient, they thought it was thrash and cleaned it up. Nonetheless, the kids were proud of their efforts.

I received over 450 comments and 400 likes showing love for my birthday. The love shown was amazing. It was also the day I released this site!!! Super Glad that I used my birthday to launch this project. I've been sitting on it for a while... Now it's time to take action.

In closing, Thanks for sharing and celebrating my birthday with me. It's amazing to feel the love from so many people. I pray continued blessings on you all.

Happy Birthday Dr. Lee- 37 years of building this dynasty...


Help When Needed Most


I remember it like yesterday. The day my mother died, I was at school. I was walking the halls of Talladega County Central High School just like any other day. I remember going into a few teachers classrooms and engaging with the students. Mr. Eric Lavender was serving as my assistant principal that year.

I got a phone call from my brother that told me momma was in the hospital and I needed to get there. There was a different tone in his voice. I spoke to Lavender, which I think he already knew what was about to take place, about having to leave and he rushed me out the door. I left Talladega and made it to Scottsboro in about 75 minutes. It is normally a 120 minute trip. No Judgement... I was extremely nervous on the road, but I had to go see my mom. Little did I know it would be the last time on this side of the earth. My mother won her 9 year battle with cancer after being given 2 death sentences of 6 and 10 months.

Fast forwarding through all of the painful stuff, to some happy stuff...

My students, faculty, and central office administration supported me beyond belief. My superintendent attended my mother's funeral. That in itself was amazing. My kids sent me all kinds of messages, thoughts, and prayers. They even tried to get a bus to take them to the funeral. One of Mrs. Pittman's classes took up money for me to buy snacks. It was only about $11 bucks, but it seemed like a million to me. My faculty took off of work and came to the funeral as well. I argued with Mahand every single day, but he was one of the first people I saw when I entered the church.

I can't say too much about Eric Lavender without getting emotional. I couldn't figure out why he was sent to be my assistant principal until after reflecting on my mother's death. Eric Lavender... Thank You for everything.

Things I learned.

Schools stick together during times that really matter. As a building administrator, I relied on the resilience of the students to make it through that tough moment in my life. My mother's death helped me connect with a student one year after her passing. You have to use what you got to make a difference.

To those who helped... thank you... TREMENDOUSLY


Derrick Vincent... Come Here Son

Derrick Vincent is by far one of my most favorite students. I can remember the day he joined the band when I was a band director. He originally was suppose to join the football team but something happened... so he joined the band. I thought to myself... all he is going to do is get in trouble. During that time in high school, it was his middle name. So I reluctantly allowed Derrick to be in the band. I will also like to mention his nickname was Slurp.

So... Derrick had NO rhythm whatsoever, but he had a love for music and the band. I began noticing strong leadership qualities in this young man. I still wasn't sold... His first year was fine, but I wasn't sure about his second year. Derrick was a "nontraditional" senior his last year. He was only missing just a few credits and really didn't have a full schedule. The principal decided that since I did such a good job with him, that he should be my assistant from 11:30 on until the end of the day. I couldn't find a reason to say no, so he was my assistant. During that time we bonded. He was my "Mexican" son, and I was his "African" father. While obtaining my master's, I had an assignment on a high profile student. I selected Derrick. I figured since I saw him so much that I might as well make an assignment out of it. What I found during the assignment interviews is that he and I had a whole lot in common. Derrick finished the year and graduated high school. I was extremely sad at his graduation because I felt as if I was losing a friend.

You might be wondering what the purpose of this entry may be... I'll tell you. Getting to know Derrick Vincent rekindled my love for education. Derrick was a guy that was simply misunderstood and needed an advocate. I became that advocate. I felt a strong urge to become that advocate for everyone. He is one of the sole reasons that I fell in love with administration.

Derrick's allowing me to get to know him and help him has not stopped. The pictures attached are from high school, and a few years ago when I visited him while he was living in Washington DC. I speak to Slurp at least once every week. We definitely have each other's back. I'm smiling now because I remember taking him to go get a Steve Harvey haircut... that was back when I had hair. That was a $40 haircut... I wouldn't dare let him pay.

Things I learned. Every Label a child is given is not correct. If I had allowed other's perception of him to affect me, I would have lost out on a great relationship with someone I consider a close friend/son. I also learned that everyone needs somebody. We all need a little help and encouragement along the way. Last, but not least, I learned that it's ok to be transparent and vulnerable with students appropriately. Derrick helped me heal through some of my own personal issues.

Thank You Derrick for joining the band and making a difference in my life. You are an amazing guy, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.


The Day It All Started

I've been contemplating blogging for quite some time. I received a phone call from Dr. Vicky Ozment that was words to my ears. I had a dream about blogging a few weeks ago. In the dream, I saw another person blogging. When I woke up, I called that person and encouraged them to blog. Little did I know, that message was for me. It has been a few weeks since that occurred, and now I realize the intent. Dr. Ozment's words were not new to me, but they took on a different meaning. It was like a dove ascended on my shoulder. It became crystal clear...

Now, here we are.

The purpose of this blog is to share and help encourage other educators across the globe. This is not just a administrator page, as I will share stories and information from my time inside the classroom as well. I am excited about this opportunity to share and allow the world to take a walk in my shoes.

I promise to be transparent and honest with all of my blog posts. Some blogs will make you laugh, while others will bring you to tears. For example, as I sit here typing this introductory post, my eyes are filled with tears. Some from watching my most favorite movie in the world "Lean On Me," the other tears come from something I witnessed today at school.

Sure... I'll share.

My leadership team decided to take a stand against bullying and suicide. They decided to put up pictures of students that committed suicide due to bullying. The concept is beautiful, however it did create a lot of conversation around both topics. To make a long story short... One of my teachers overheard a student negatively talking about how everyone who committed suicide was stupid and it was stupid to post the pictures. The teacher that overheard her addressed the situation because it was very near to her heart. It was near because her mother committed suicide. The student had no idea. After I spoke to the student, she shared a story about her family and how her family experienced a tragic death that involved suicide. The student asked to go speak to the teacher, and I allowed. The teacher was so moved by her apology it brought her to tears. As soon as she began to cry, the student rushed to her and gave her the biggest hug. The two sat there and apologized to each other and had a heart to heart conversation. During the conversation, the teacher reaffirmed the student as a leader. It was beautiful... I was holding back tears...

Closing thoughts, as educators, we can't miss the opportunities to allow our students to grow as GREAT human beings. Even though the initial confrontation was very rough, the end product created a beautiful opportunity for two people to heal.