Week 6: Accessible and Differentiated Learning with Seesaw



  • First, read this: Providing Differentiated Instruction by Giving Students Choices - Edutopia.

  • Sometimes you will do an activity in the classroom (Math boards, Science experiment, etc) and you want the kids to show what they learned. This is easily done in Seesaw. This week, students will post on their own WITHOUT you putting in the activity for them first. Watch this 2 minute video to learn how students can create their own posts on Seesaw. Learning is more accessible and differentiated when students have voice and choice in what Seesaw tools they use.

  • You may also consider differentiating the assignments you share from the activity library. Maybe you want to assign an activity to a group of students only. See if you can figure out how to do this. :) The image at the right will help you.


  • First - get your students into the platform and have them use Seesaw to create their own post. Kindergarten may or may not want to skip this first one...only you know what your kids can handle :)

  • Second - assign an activity to a group of students only, not the entire class.

  • After the lessons, approve student work from your computer (if turned on) and take a look at what your students created!

  • Leave some feedback for your students on their work!

Remember to continue using the skills you learned in previous weeks. The more you use them, the more comfortable you and your students will be with the platform.

Seesaw Badge System - Beginner Level Expectations

This week we are working on the items with the

⬜ Utilize Seesaw in your classroom to nurture and develop student voice

⬜ Utilize Seesaw to showcase student’s Math and Literacy knowledge

⬜ Utilize Seesaw to deliver authentic assessments to support growth

Create accessible and differentiated learning experiences with Seesaw

⬜ Create opportunities for students to respond in various ways in their Seesaw Journal

⬜ Guide families in connecting with their child and your classroom in Seesaw