
This page contains the Spanish-language translations for the student documents that accompany each lesson in the unit. In addition to being a helpful resource for teaching ELL students or in a Spanish-language classroom, we recommend having these translated documents available for Spanish-speaking guardians and family members who are supporting students at home.

Fall Lesson One: STEM is Everywhere

STEM in the World Anchor Chart_Filled_Spanish.pdf
STEM in the World Anchor Chart_Lined_Spanish.pdf
STEM in the World Anchor Chart_Blank_Spanish.pdf
STEM is Everywhere_Example_Spanish.pdf
STEM is Everywhere w_Sentence Stems_Spanish.pdf
STEM is Everywhere_Spanish.pdf
Student How-To_Adding Work to a Padlet_Spanish.pdf

Fall Lesson Two: Learning to Talk STEM

6 Feet of Distance Activity_Spanish.pdf
STEM is Everywhere_Example_Spanish.pdf
Student How-To_Making a Flipgrid Video_Spanish.pdf

Fall Lesson Three: How "STEMists" Solve Problems

How do STEMists Solve Problems Anchor Chart_Lined_Spanish.pdf
How do STEMists Solve Problems Anchor Chart_Blank_Spanish.pdf
Problem Solving Brainstorm Sheet_Spanish.pdf
STEM Problem Scenario Cards_Spanish.pdf

Fall Lesson Four: Finding STEM in My Community

STEM in My Community Graphic Organizer_Spanish.pdf
Student How-To_Making a Google Map_Spanish.pdf