

For P.E this term, I juggled a ball that was firm. I spent all of the block without a sock kicking the ball up and down. I tried to hold in my frown but Mr Perry told me to turn around and face the wall juggling a ball. Practicing thought me that you get better and batter until your free. I really enjoyed P.E this time of the year becuase it was cold and we learnt a thing or two to be fair. P.E is very vital it is the subject of title... You must do it in order for life to be fit.

1. what is perseverance - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

2. I used perseverance with my skill in order to carry on a be persistent with juggling a ball and personally I believe that I have improved.

3. Perseverance is important becuase It is a word that plays a major role in life in order to live life you need to persevere.

4. Perseverance affects all your dimensions becuase it can relate to all of the 4 dimensions like if you train hard at football and persevere you will get better or if you are positive and don't focus on the negative side of stuff life will be a-lot easier. Those are two examples but I reckon that they relate to all