3D Modelling


SculptGL is a web based 3d modelling. Think of it like shaping a lump of virtual clay. Start playing using the advice in the video.


  • Start with Brush and Colour tool.

  • Crease tool to add detailed lines

  • Space bar to return to main view

  • Transform tool to change overall scale and move models around

  • Scene -> Add shape

  • Can't save creations - export them as files

  • Export to Sketchfab to easily share with others

Create a Pou

What is a Pou?

Carvings are about telling stories. Check out the video to learn what whakairo and pou are.


Starting with a vertical cyclinder, create your own pou using symbolism that represents you or your families story. If someone was going to carve you, what would be your symbols?


Design elements (from Matua Komene)

  • Figure normally proportioned in thirds: 1/3 for head, 1/3 for body, 1/3 for letgs

  • Loving person - place hands on the heart. Traveller - hands on feet.

  • Pukana - shows mana.

  • Two tongues - tells you something, tells others something different. Or good oratory skills.