

Ad-libs are a great way to quickly shape your elevator pitch. This template will help you frame your pitch, which you can then refer back to throughout your project to keep yourself on track.

Formula: Our [idea] help(s) [this type of customer / person] who wants to [jobs to be done] by [your own verb, eg. reducing, avoiding & pain point] and [your own verb, eg. increasing, enabling + potential gains].

Example: Using a “Taxi App”

"Our Taxi Smartphone App help(s) taxi passengers who want to book a taxi by minimising wait time for a taxi and enjoying affordable prices.

Check out some examples from students at this Youtube playlist.

Elevator pitch



Flip grid

Just record straight into Flipgrid with your web cam, use the cool filters and features to make it awesome!

Google Slides with voiceover

Use Screencastify to record the presentation with narration


Adobe Spark

Use Spark to create the presentation. Log in with your School account.



Link to Powtoon website. Powtoon includes a built in story board feature to help you organise your Explainer. Top tip – don’t choose the ‘Biz’ or ‘Pro’ templates as you will be prompted to pay when you go to share or export your video.


Code up some scenes and then record!


Link to Glitterly


Five free movies - sign in with your Google account.

How to pitch

3 simple steps: State the problem, explain the solution, and sell your mission!

Phil Swift it

A key aspect of this LAUNCH video is to sell your idea to the audience. So, be enthusiastic as Phil Swift!

Design Thinking - Testing tasks