
How did you display a ‘Effort’ in our Physical education?

I displayed effort well playing against the other class's as almost every time we were behind. But I kept playing my best and not giving up. It is important to keep doing your best as you could make a comeback and end up winning as the other team decide that they had won and got sloppy.

How has ‘Effort’ had a positive effect on another area of your life?

Effort has effected music as just yesterday I displayed effort to try and get better by making a new rift. Effort is important in music as you can't just start something and then stop doing it to else you will not get better. An example of this is one of my teachers who only practised 1 thing for 3 months and nothing else.

How does ‘Effort’ affect each dimension of your Hauora?

Effort affects my Taha Tinana because when I try harder in surfing. by getting into better positions to get onto better waves. This means I get to ride more waves and I get more of a chance to learn how to do turns. It also helps when paddling and you just need to work hard to get to get on a wave

Effort affects my Taha Hinengaro because I get annoyed with my parents sometimes at home because they seem to nag me heaps, but if I actually try to be more patient with them I find that I don’t get so frustrated. Instead, I try to remind myself that they are just trying to help me to do things because they want me to do my best but I do have to put in the effort to help out my parents and not get annoyed sometimes when I feel like snapping back at them.

Effort affects my Taha Whanau because sometimes I am not too good at trying to help my out my sister when she is having a bad day or when something is getting her down. It is easier to just not worry about it and pretend I didn't notice, but when I actually make the effort to ask her what's up, it makes me feel pretty cool that I helped her out, even if she's a pain

Effort helps me with my goal setting as I want to get to uni so I can get a cool job. Sometimes it seems like Year 9 is not that important as it doesn't affect our future too much but if I actually want to reach my goal, I need to always do my best if it involves learning or doing sport. My effort is not perfect at this moment in time, but it isn’t too bad that aI will give up.