
Sam Cane

Sam Cane is a superstar in rugby, but he is not all muscle, as he has to communicate to his team and coaches and so on, so how does he do it?

Clear, he has to be clear to his player on what play he wants them to do or else they could get confused and lose the ball or something else like that.

Concise, if he is not more concise than the other team could find out what the Chiefs are doing. (his team, go the chiefs!)

Concrete, if his message is not more concise than someone, could hesitate and get smashed.

Correct, If he hears wrong from the coach's then he could muck up their game plan against a certain team which that strategy would have worked on.

Coherent, if he speaks into much code, his teammates may not understand him, and he could ruin their chance of scoring.

Complete, if he said, "okay we are going to scrum and", his team would not know what to do after the scrum.

Courteous, if he is not respectful to his fans then he could lose his role as Capetian of the All Blacks.