
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a strange child he was born fat and had a big head he didn't speak much but talked to himself people thought he was just a random kid.But he marveled at science experiments. He struggled with the German schools with its harsh rules and independent thinking was punished. So at the age of 12 he started tutoring himself. He failed to get into university so he studied for a whole year to get back in but he hated classes and when he got a job his professor's didn't give him job recommendations so he didn't get a job. He went back home to his family who had lost all their money and were asking him for help so Albert begged scientists to let him teach physics but he was forced to tutor a boy he then went to work in Switzerland but it had nothing to do with science so he quit and for 3 years worked nonstop until in 1905 he published 4 articles which he went on to winning the Nobel prize In physics. And with his hard work he is considered on of the smartest people ever.

Albert Einstein perservered many time during his life heres a video Albert Einstein