
how did you display Respect in Health and P.E during terms 3 and 4? (explain and give examples)

I think that I show respect to all my friends during P.E although I sometimes do make fun of some of my friends when they make a simple stuff up or something but they don't mind and I always make sure my mates are all goods of they get hurt or something

How has Respect had a positive on another area of your life? (explain and give examples)

I have been told that I am a good child by some of my family members because I help out a lot sometimes and I get told by my mum and nana that I am a good kid and other people have said that

How does Respect effect each dimension my Hauora?

Physical when I respect others It means I might not get into a scrap.

Mental+ emotional makes me feel good inside when i am respected

social I feel good with my friends when they respect me

Spiritual respecting others and having that same respect come back to me makes my spirits feel good