
How did you display a ‘Effort’ in our Gymnastics and Football Units this term? (Explain and give examples)

I displayed effort in gymnastics by trying my best at each activity we did pushing myself to the limit.Although at the start of the unit I did get a bit board with gymnastics but I soon started to have fun even though I wasn't at the top of the class I was still good enough.

How has ‘Effort’ had a positive effect on another area of your life? E.g sport, music, school work, your job...etc (Explain and give examples)

Effort has helped me earn more money from my parents and get better at my sports I think my coaches can see me trying my hardest even though sometimes it can be boring

How does ‘Effort’ affect each dimension of your Hauora?

physical it has made me stronger and my mental+emotional Hauora it makes me think different and not just give up so easily and emotionally it makes me feel happier because I am trying harder. My spiritual wellbeing