
Write a paragraph on ‘Why you have chosen this person and how they have demonstrated perseverance?’

Both of them have demonstrated perseverance by just training every day sometimes and even just sailing is persevering because it is quit a hard sport,And that is how they are demonstrating perseverance.

Write a paragraph on ‘As they were able to persevere towards their goals, what were they able to accomplish?

what they were able to accomplish while aiming for there goals was stuff like competing in the americas cup and 49er championships and other smaller stuff on the way to there goals.

Describe a situation when you persevered towards a goal and explain what you achieved.

There was the day when I was sailing in the Tauranga regatta in 30 knot winds in my 1st year and somehow won by the amount of races I competed in

  1. How did Perseverance help me in working towards my Goal this term?

It helped me not give up that easy

  1. How did Perseverance help me in other areas of my life (outside of PE lessons)?

helped me not give up going to and from school going up the hills I have to go up

  1. How does Perseverance affect each dimension of your Hauora?

it effects it by making me better at some skills