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I chose Keegan wright . i chose him because he does mountain biking and that is what i want to do when i am older. he has showed perseverance because as a kid his foot was not normal and people had to help him try to get it right and he showed perseverance because he now does a sport that is quite hard on your feet and if you look at his leg you can see that his leg is quite skinny but that did not stop him from doing what he wants.

Keegan wright has been on the podium in EWS (Enduro world series) one of these times was on the 24th Mar 2019 it was the 2019 Enduro World Series and it was in Rotorua. Keegan was born in NZ so he had a bit of a home country advantage and he comes down to Rotorua to practice because there are a lot of competitions in Rotorua because there are so many mountain biking tracks and they are very good track too .

i think that i have persevered when i was learning to unicycle i would try to ride it then i would just fall off and it can be quite annoying when you have been trying to do it for half an hour and it feels like you have not got any better you were falling off at the start and you are still falling off you just feel like giving up but i did not i kept going then i got the hang of it and now i can ride it good as but i could not turn very well but with some more practice i could now turn still not super good but that is fine.