
Please use the TPSS Digital Textbooks below as a curriculum resource for your classes. Your teachers may instruct you to read the content to learn and gather information.

Each textbook also has a digital notebook for you to use to show your work and understanding. Your teacher will assign this digital notebook to you through Oncourse Classroom or Google Classroom.

If you have any questions, ask or email your teacher for the class.  

You can also visit our Tips for Virtual Learning for help with technology.


3rd Grade

Science Textbook

Science - GR3

Social Studies - GR3

4th Grade

Science Textbook

Science -GR4

Social Studies  - SSG4

5th Grade

Science Textbook

Science - GR5

Social Studies - GR5

6th Grade

Science Textbook

Science - GR6

Social Studies - GR6

7th Grade

Science Textbook

Science - GR7

 Social Studies - GR7

8th Grade

Science Textbook

Science - GR8

Social Studies - GR8

HS - Social Studies

US History

HS- Social Studies

World Geography

HS- Social Studies

World History

HS- Social Studies


HS - Science


HS - Science


HS- Science
