Digital Law

Digital law is defined as electronic responsibility for actions and deeds. In other words, digital law refers to what you are and are not allowed to do while using the Internet. Ethical use encompasses all activities on the Internet that abide by the laws of society.

This topic is recommended for Middle and High School students. 





What is Plagiarism - 3min 25secs

How to Avoid Plagiarism is 5 Easy Steps - 3min 40secs

Understanding Plagiarism - 4 min

Creators and Consumers of Media Online

What’s Up with Copyright Anyway — A Brief Very Brief History and Copyright Basics

Fair Use - Copyright on YouTube - 5min 11sec

Creativity, Copyright, and Fair Use - 4min 40secs

Videos, Games, & More


Students remix media content to create a new creative piece. Along the way, they give proper credit to the artists whose images and sound clips they use. Students will: