Week #3


Have your student use a tape measure to practive measruing. Younger students measure to the nearest inch. Older students can measure to a fraction of an inch.

Have your child guess a measurement then use the tape measure to see how close their guess was.

Don't have a tape measure?? They make a fun gift!

Week #2


Estimation is a great way to help strengthen math sense. Here are some quick and fun ways to have your child practice estimation! When you go out to eat, have everyone make an estimate as to what the bill will be. The winner is whoever gets closest. Older students can try figuring out the tip (20%).

Have students make estimates at the grocery store or while getting gas at the gas station.

Week #1


Many kids do not know the names and values of coins. There are many quick and easy ways to help your child learn the value of coins. Start by collecting coins in a jar or bowl.