Beyond The Brett School 

Welcome to beyond the Brett School page! Where our alumni students share their life journeys after the Brett school; where life has taken them, their accomplishments, and give some words of wisdom to students moving on. We thank them for sharing with us!  

Christopher Oktavec

One of the biggest questions as kids growing up are, what do you want to do for the rest of your life? My question is, who asks that to a kid? We don’t even know what we want to eat for dinner. A better question would be, what do you love to do in life?

Growing up as a kid and hating school, there wasn’t a lot I could ever really focus on. Drawing was the only thing that I was able to put a hundred percent of my effort in. It was my safe escape. Creating art was one of my two loves, right next to snowboarding. My true career path started back in the eighth grade where I was drawing all the time. One day I had designed a flaming skull drawing for my Dad. He loved it so much that two weeks later, he had gotten the design I drew for him tattooed on his forearm.  I knew at that moment that I wanted to be a tattoo artist. Of course, try telling your parents that when you are thirteen years old. 

As I graduated from high school, I knew college was next for me.  I started at Plymouth State University my freshman year but this didn't work for me, so I decided to transfer down to Florida. I started my new college journey at Full Sail University.  It was here I received my bachelor’s degree in film. Originally, I went to Plymouth for graphic design, but having just done four years of that in high school, I didn’t want to waste time on something I already knew how to do. Growing up I loved movies, so I wanted to see how movies were made.  For me, college was not worth the amount of debt, but now looking back, you pay for the experience and knowledge you gain, not the degree. So far in life I have learned, it’s all about who you know. Going to college was great and I met some amazing friends.  After I received my bachelors in film, I decided to stay in Florida to pursue my master’s degree in entertainment business and create my own company called Okto Ink.  While down in Florida, getting a job was a battle royal with all the newly graduated students fighting for a film related job. It was not easy, but I did end up working an amazing job making Batman props.

Nearing the end of my master’s degree, I was thinking to myself, what’s next? I had done the college thing and found a job that was in my field, but it wasn’t what I loved. One day, I decided to Google tattoo schools. A few different institutions had popped up, one of them being in Florida, right on Miami South Beach. I was hooked on doing more research instantly. I had done all my research on the Master Tattoo Institute and began planning the business pitch to my parents.  I told them I was sold on going, I knew this was the next step to kick off my actual life long goal of becoming a tattoo artist. Things went well for a while, but shortly after tattoo school, life started throwing curve balls at me and I missed a lot. My plan down in Florida had failed and I was back to square one, living in New Hampshire again. 

I love New Hampshire very much; this beautiful area has a lot to offer. My only option at the time was to start over and put my ducks in a row.  I worked multiple jobs, saving as much money as I possibly could, while searching for a tattoo apprenticeship. Working two jobs for almost four years was rough and a mental struggle, but I had art. While working and having almost no time to myself, I found time to draw during my breaks at work. Fifteen hours a day, six days a week does not make for a whole lot of creative time, so I made time. As the years passed, I started really building up my art portfolio to  present to tattoo artists and lock down an apprenticeship. Six years later struggling to find an apprenticeship, and three failed tattoo apprenticeships later, I finally found the perfect mentor.

Everything that I have done to get to where I am now has been a struggle, but I finally have my dream job. A career where I am tattooing my artwork permanently on people's bodies, this dream of mine, that came to me in the eighth grade. Everything that I have done in life has led me to this point of excellence. I stuck with what I know and love and that knowledge guided me to the one thing that I absolutely love doing in life, tattooing. For the past year and a half, I have been currently working at Gunslinger Tattoo in Plymouth New Hampshire under Leif Anderson, the best mentor in the galaxy. In 2010 I attended PSU freshman year, not knowing that 9 years later, the one thing I love to do in life would bring me right back where this crazy adventure all started. 

My name is Chris Oktavec, owner/founder of Okto Ink. I tattoo during the week and snowboard on the weekend while creating art full time. I have the best life ever! I would not be where I am in life if it were not for my push towards my goals and for the support from my amazing parents and family. When you find what you love in life, that should be your goal, to do what you love, not what you think you have to do. My journey was not easy; it was the hardest thing that I had ever endured, and this is just the beginning of my journey in life. Imagine being a little kid and knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life, but you can’t, cause society tells you no. Stick with what you love in life and the pieces will fit, I promise. 

Myriah Bliss

My name Is Myriah Bliss, and I was a student within the walls of the Kenneth A. Brett School from 1998-2006. I spent many years with the best teachers, to this day, I have ever had! The Kenneth A. Brett school system was my first chapter to my incredible journey in life. I graduated the 8th grade in 2006 with all the students I grew up with. I remember it clear as day! So excited for high school. Coming from a very small town and being integrated into another school system with many more students didn’t phase me because I felt that I was prepared for the next step.  The halls of high school are much longer and the building had more floors than what I was used to. There were more teachers and so many more people, it did feel overwhelming at times. Change can seem scary, but it is the first step in learning what life will present you in the future. New people, new teachers, new environment, classrooms, and expectations. It can be a lot to take in, coming from a small town, like Tamworth. The environment is different, figuring out your place within it can feel like a lot. My first bit of advice is – DON’T PANIC! Enjoy the change, be yourself, and know it is ok to meet new friends! I’m 28 years old and I still go home to Tamworth and hang out with all of my friends from kindergarten! Making new friends doesn’t mean your past friends are not going to be there too. Opening yourself up to new friendships is important.

Highschool ended for me in 2010 and I decided I was going to go to college. My family didn’t have the money to put me through college and I was worried. I applied for grants and did a lot of research on how I could get a degree with a low budget. Another piece of advice, If you don’t know what you want to do- THAT IS OK!!! In college you need to take electives, no matter what you do, these classes need to be done. If you don’t know what you want to major in, you can still go to college and take your elective courses and use that time to figure out what it is you want to focus on.  That is what I did.  I went to Plymouth University and I took a few classes. I rented a room and during that time I was a bartender. I have always loved the restaurant business because I worked within the industry throughout high school and my dad was a chef. I ended up with an Associates degree in Exercise Science. Why? Mostly because there was a constant influence in my life that said the restaurant industry wouldn’t be a good career, so I chose something else. I didn’t follow my passion, because I was afraid that I would be seen as unsuccessful. Today I am 28 years old. I have my degree, but I chose to follow my passion and go another direction! After many years of hard work I am now a Culinary Manager for Darden restaurants. I manage the Longhorn Steakhouse in Manchester, NH and it is the thrill of my life! I LOVE what I do every day. I am challenged and continue to grow. I build a team and  get to cook all the time.  When you think about your life beyond Kenneth A. Brett School, think about what you love and your dreams.  Do not let anyone tell you it’s impossible or deemed unsuccessful- you have to wake up every day and live your life- they don’t. I am now pushing myself to get my bachelors in Culinary Arts.  Never give up on your dreams and always stay true to yourself. YOU ARE WORTH IT!