Professor Knoop

Howdy! Here is where you can find all things SI related for Professor Knoop's ACCT 229 classes!

Here is a google form you can use to ask any questions you want to be answered! Please be sure to use your TAMU email! I will answer these during the warm-up part of each session.

My SI Sessions will be held on Sundays via Zoom from 6:00-7:30 pm and Tuesday in WCBA 104 from 7:00-8:30 pm. If these times don't work out with your schedule please feel free to complete the worksheet on your own and email me for the key or attend another SI Leader's session!

Here is the Zoom link for the online sessions, please be sure to use your TAMU email and join with your camera and sound on so that you can participate!

Zoom ID: 985 2417 0607

Password: SI